Hi All,
Last resorts here!
I’m running my 1-wire station, have been for 20 years now and its causing me some issues with spikes (actual humidity going to 100%, WD only going up 5-10% on the graph as it seems slow to react compared to the 1-wire viewer) See the setup below. If available I’m running all on parasitic power.
I have had to remove my BH baro as this just wont work anymore - making a new one.
- Computer
- power injector - new
- 5m cable - old
- HB anemometer with Vortex - new
- 30m cable to solar sensor - new, (Sheepwalk SWE3 Humidity Sensor Module with solar rad instead of humidity) although I removed this and its caused less issues - its older
- 15m cable - new, to temp humidity (also Sheepwalk SWE3 Humidity Sensor Module with added potted temp sensor) - new
- 15m cable - new, to HB dual counter - old
Have replaced all cables except the computer to HB anemometer control board.
Seems to be the last straw although my computer is pretty old could this be causing an issue?
Cheers - Tom M