Humidity slope

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I’ve been messing around with the humidity slope but I can’t figure out exactly how it works. If the slope is higher does the percentage offset apply more or is the percentage applied more when the slope is a lower number?

I tried a few different slope and percentage combinations and I’m even more confused. The humidity value increases as I increase the percentage but the slope doesn’t appear to do anything. If I have the slope set to 100 the humidity reads the same as when the slope is at 0. I’m running 10.0a I think.

I take it nobody knows how the slope works?

I tried the slope with 10b and it still doesn’t work at all. From the lack of responses I’m going to assume nobody uses this feature or nobody knows how it works?

been busy on other things, sorry ryan
i will look at this for you soon

Thank you.

I tried setting the slope again but I’m still not clear on how it works. No matter where the slope adjustment is the humidity is changed by the percentage. Maybe I don’t understand how the slope is supposed to work? Is it supposed to apply a percentage difference more when the slope amount is higher?

Did anyone follow-up on the Humidity Slope issue. I am having same issue if I click on the slope factor adjustment and then “view results” - it looks good. However, this does not seem to effect WD humidity reading at all.

WD 10.12o, WMR-968

Guess not! :?:

i have added a new option, where the offset gets progressively larger, in the latest beta version try ticking that new offset, and then see how it may have to tweak the slope adjust this is a new thing , and still testing

Looks like it would take some time to see the results of the slope adjustment.

i will look at this soon, once i get my main pc shifted into the new house( i am trying to set up another replacement pc, but with cows to shift off the farm, i just dont have enough hours in the day at the moment!

Thanks :smiley:

i forgot all about this
will look at this today!

just did some checking, and make sure you have ticked, Use prop. offset to inc. the value more when lower humidity
what weather station type do you guys have?
are you still using weather display?

it appears that haynesra has the WMR968
ok, yes
i see he needs to set the colour of the vertical hour lines less dark…in the colour setup…
and index in the summary image can be changed under the summary image and icon setup, station name…
ok, yes
i see he needs to set the colour of the vertical hour lines less dark…in the colour setup…
and index in the summary image can be changed under the summary image and icon setup, station name…

and his 5 day forecast needs fixing (i.e either the downloaded forecast text file from the noaa server has not been selected correctly (see in the ftp/internet setup), or the 5 day forecast has wrong settings in use (i.e non NWS settings)

Yes I use the WMR - 968. Windy I am not sure what you are referring to on the " i see he needs to set the colour of the vertical hour lines less dark…in the colour setup…
and index in the summary image can be changed under the summary image and icon setup, station name…"

Also, on the 5day forecast, I think it is a function of the my local NWS forecast data. It works great soemtime and sometimes not. They are not constant. I do not think it is a problem on the WD side.

As for the orginal topic. I do have " use prop offset to inc…" ticked. Also, when I click the “View Results” button the slope looks good. However, there is no effect in WD on the hummidity.


on your graph, the colour for the vertical hour lines is very prominant against the graph background colour, so set the colour of the hour vertical lines in the colour setup closer to that of the graph background colour, so they are less noticable

for the summary image, you have the word index, in place of where it should say something more meaningful
check what you have set for your station name under setup, control panel, summary image and icon setup, station name

as for not working, the hum slopw, with your wrm968, well, i have checked the code, and it should be working…maybe if i added some debug code