Hi Brian,
Could there be an option to have the humidity shown in 1 decimal value, numeric and graph?
Hi Brian,
Could there be an option to have the humidity shown in 1 decimal value, numeric and graph?
What station do you have?
cr1000 datalogger with Rotronic hygroclip s (temp/hum) sensor.
OK, thanks Just wondered what you had reporting humidity to 0.1% resolution.
Would be great to have my humidity graph more smooth…
I do have the humidity showing to 1 decimal place for if you have a Vaisala WXT510 type station (for current humidity, current conditions section)
the problem with the graph data, is that the data in the data files is stored as an integar (i.e no decimal place)
(this is because weather stations originally only had humidity to 1 decimal place)
i have a Rotronic hygroclip s (temp/hum) sensor.
So this cant be achieved Brian?
no for the graph, but yes for current conditions
the real time graph though will show to 1 decimal place
can you apply that in the next update?