I have some problem to set into WD the option for datalogger setup
When i setting it the log file as dailylog.txt dosen’t update into logfile folder with new data received from datalogger.Besides, after retreive data into WD main screen the value of rain , of maximum and minimum temp and wind aren’t update too.
How can i setup davis datalogger with WD step by step???
I always use WeatherLink to configure my VP. After configuring the VP using WeatherLink, make sure that WeatherLink is collecting data. This ensures that you have properly configured the VP, and that all of your connections to the PC are correct.
If everything is working OK using WeatherLink, copy down all of the settings (Com Port, Baud rate, Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, Update frequency period, etc), exit out of WeatherLink (WD and WeatherLink can’t be running at the same time - only one or the other), and configure WD to match Weatherlink’s settings.
with the weatherLink (WL) i haven’t any problem and the data are retreive from datalogger when i click on download data from station, while with WD with the same parameters the data retreived start but after into main screen the data (rain total etc,min e max gust etc…) not uploaded and into daylylog.txt the data retreived from datalogger doesn’t appear !!!
I am far from being a WD configuration expert, but here is how I have mine setup:
1.) Goto “Setup”, “Comm Port Setup”. I have “Com 1” selected (yours may be different - check your WeatherLink settings), and “Don’t check for time to release com port” checked. Everything else is default.
2.) Goto “Setup”, “Weather Station selection”. Click on the title that says “Weather Station Type/Setup”. Select “Davis Vantage Pro (with data logger)”. Check “19200” (assuming that that is the Baud rate you configured your VP for using Weatherlink), and then, at the bottom, highlight “I have the new Rev B data logger”. Make sure “Yes” is checked.
3.) Then select “Davis Vantage Pro optional accessories”, and select all those that you have.
4.) Then select “Davis Rain Collector Type”, and check the type you have.
5.) Now go to “Setup”, “Setup FTP/Internet/etc.”, “Connections”, and make sure the Main Internet switch is on (green).
6.) At this point, I believe WD is configured well enough to start receiving data. Select “Exit”, “Save and exit”, and shut down WD.
7.) Restart WD. The blue box should appear, and WD should start downloading data. If it doesn’t, then Brian or someone else will have to step in.
I have the same problem. The program is configured properly for me. Just the blue box appears, says it downloading from the current date/time at the bottom of the box, the spaces where the time should be is missing. it sits there for a while then disappears and nothing is downloaded.
I tried this with two computers , one with no previous WD on it and the trial membership. same thing. i also pulled out my extra unit and same thing. Curious - thought it was only me .
rookie, i think you are refering to just getting live as it happens data…
maybe you are not alone ardvark!
now, iceman, check the date/time on the VP is correct…i.e the same as the PC
and then under setup, datalogger setup, davis VP, have ticked to download the archive data at start up
then after you have not been using wd for say 10 minute, when you start it up, a little window should appear that says downloading from a time and date
then as data arrvies from the VP, the date/time of that data should be shown, and when its the same of more recent than the serach for time/date, wd will use that data to update its records/graphs/logs0
also, the raw data is saved to a file called vpdownloaddata.txt
paste the contents of that file here
ps the curse improves - no surgery. Fractured knee instead. I assume this is an improvement.
Any way, did a reload of weatherlink figured something was out of sorts , trashed the data base, had to do some major searching but got things on board again. then the new copy of FrontPage messed up the file structure for the web site, ah yes, must be a curse. At least we are going to miss the winter storm by a few miles, mostly rain and blowing snow. just ducky !
Neither crash improved WD ability to do the download of archived data. I did check, though to make sure that there was data to download and it was there, but nothing showed up in the vpdownloaddata.txt file. Strange
I send to Brian an e-mail with the file because on my pc after WD started the data donloaded from datalogger stopped after 13 minutes (22.45 to 22.58) while with Weather Link 5.2 i had download data from 22.45 of 22/11/2003 to 11.45 of 23/11/2003.
It depend from datalogger firmware?? I have tick revB for datalogger and if i untick the data not received from VP console
Brian, besides, can you added an option for VP users that downloaded every 10,20,30 etc… minute = at Weather Link option to downloaded data every xx minutes (Menu set up >> AutoDownload on WL program) ??
It should be good to empty datalogger every 5-10-20 … minutes
If you have ticked “Download the archieve data at startup”, does that download ALL of the archieved data (again), or does it just download the data that has been archieved during the time period that WD was stopped?
I have it unticked, and, if WD has been shut down for 5-10 minutes, it just downloads the archieved data that it missed while it was shut down.
I’m using 9.94 with an envoy and it downloads about 2 days of data if I restart the program. I changed to 9.97, get the data extraction box, but it didn’t download data. Reinstalled 9.94 and it’s doing the 2 day download. Seems to be some difference between versions.
nikoshephard, that is a bit of news…
the fact 9.94 works for you but 9.97 does not
so it looks like i must have changed something to make it stop working
now, rookie:
what it does is it gets the data, all of it, but wd waits until it finds the date/time from when wd was last running, and then it uses that
you say you dont have the get archive data ticked, but yet it is getting the data ???//
i have icemans file, which looks OK data wise
now, in a new 9.97c, after the data is supposed to have been downloaded, go to view, ws2000 data info and setup, and let me know what appears there
also, i found maybe a bug with the action, extract data from the vp downloader function (where you set a hour/minute etc to get data from)
interestingly, iceman reports a new 9.97c is OK for the data extract…
ardvark, please try a new 9.97c
and then go to view, ws2000 data setup/information
and let me know what apepars there (after having WD not running for say 10 minutes)
I found that 9.97c doesn’t do the extract (writes 0 byte file) when it starts immediately after installation, but if it’s shutdown and restarted it does do the extract. This may have been the same with 9.97 but I didn’t restart that version after it failed the first time. 9.94 extracts immediately after installation.
So, if you are testing 9.97c try it a couple of times.
I went in to the Wdisplay.ini and made sure that all the file references were to the current wd folder. found some there. Then removed all extra wd folders except the one I am using.
Followed directions. Got a bunch of 255 for all data requests. not great.
on the time screen, interesting date: 15/31/2003 Time 655:35 ( those republicans mess everything up)
its those 255’s in the data that is the problem
i wonder why
i wonder if its anything to do with all your extra sensors
i dont know
maybe contact davis
i use the DMPAFT command to get the data
Something has changed, because now, when I restart WD, it doesn’t automatically start downloading data from the datalogger when you have “Download archieve data at startup” unticked. I was using 9.996a and then switched to 9.97b. Is it possible that the 9.97 versions reset my default “Download archieve data on startup” from ticked, to unticked?
Also, on restart, I’m now getting double entries in the 112003lg.txt, dailylog.txt, and vantagelog.txt files.