How to setup a Weathermap in WD

Some suggested steps and tips for for setting up a Weathermap in Weather Display.

Step one: Locate an image you wish to use for your map background.
Some suggestions for obtaining map images from other posts:

Once you have located a suitable image “Right click” on the image and select “Save Image as” or similar…

Save it to somewhere you will know where it is on your hard drive.

Another interesting concept is noted in this post, using a dynamic image, such as a radar image…

Step two: Click “Setup - Control Panel”

1 from above screen shot: Tick the number of the mesomap you are going to work with then press 2: “Position Stations”

Then Press “choose map image file” and select the image you just saved to your hard drive…

Then Click “Ok”

Step three:Then under mesomap again make sure the same mesomap is selected and then press “Mesomap setup” #3 from top screen shot

Then press 1: “Add a Metar Station” enter the 4 letter code followed by “.TXT” for a metar station you know (All Caps) like:
KNYC.TXT then press “OK” then Enter a Name like “NYC” and press Ok again

One location to grab some Metar codes is here:

2: You also can use WeatherUnderGround station IDs like:

(Use “Add a Wunderground Station ID” instead of “Add a Metar”)

To add your own station, there are a couple of options:
If your station contributes to CWOP or WeatherUnderGround you can select the appropriate button and enter your station ID…

Or, probably a more accurate and reliable method would be to select 3: “Add a local clientraw.txt file source”

Click that button and then Navigate to your \webfiles directory within your main WD directory and select “clientraw.txt” then the next step will be to enter the station name you want displayed and then save…

After you have added all the stations you want (you can come back and add and remove later)

Then press “Update Now” color=blue[/color]

after it updates then

Press “Setup auto times” color=blue[/color] and select a time range like “Every 15 mins” and turn the switch On

Make sure you tick “Produce and upload animate” You can leave Minutes to wait at one but I have mine set to two…
Then click OK. Then Click OK in the main Screen.

Step four: Then go back to “Postion Stations” and move the block(s) where you want it. To move the data blocks just “Left click” on the block and drag it into position.

(If you tick “show icon #” a sky condition image will appear for that station. These have to be positioned separately and I recommend that you first set all your station data blocks then tick the “show icon” for a specific station #, then position it then tick another and position it and so on, one by one.)

After you have all the Stations positioned as you want them, remember you can always come back and adjust them… Move any unused data blocks to the right side of the screen off of your background image to remove them from possibly showing on the uploaded mesomap image… Tip: Don’t stack them on top of one another as you may go to add another station at some point and it will end up being one of the buried data blocks…

Then click Ok and then Click Ok on Control Panel…

If all goes correctly wait 15 - 20 minutes or so and then look in your default upload directory on your web server for:
mesomaphot.htm - mesomap.gif
mesomaphot2.htm - m2esomap.gif
mesomaphot3.htm - m3esomap.gif

Depending on which mesomap you choose to setup…

This is one area where a bit of patience pays off, making a change then allowing WD to upload on a schedule and then seeing how it looks and then adjusting from there…

(Note using the mesomaphot.htm files allows visitors to be able to mouse over the station data blocks and see additional information. While the image is just that, an image with no mouse over capabilities)

Some discussions regarding how to include your mesomaphot.htm in your web site are located here:

Note: That your wx.htm will only show mesomap.gif (the image) by default. To change this behavior requires modifying your ‘datahtm2.txt’ file and ensuring you have ticked the appropriate settings to allow you to manage your own ‘datahtm’ files.

(Setting the map you want to use before the stations was a personal choice, as I just found it easier to get a grasp by first adding the background then setting up the stations and then when I went back to Position Stations it just made more sense :slight_smile: )

thankyou !!