How to edit comment section for

I am using Weather-display and I upload that information to CWOP and its displayed on under N1XBM-13. I’d like to put some better information in the comment section. Does anyone have any idea where to look in weather-display? Here is a snippet from and I’d like to change under the comment section where it says .WD 10

Comment: .WD 10
Location: 43°56.00’ N 70°17.00’ W - locator FN43UW63AX - show map
2.0 miles South bearing 181° from New Gloucester, Cumberland County, Maine, United States [?]
10.3 miles Northeast bearing 48° from North Windham, Cumberland County, Maine, United States
18.8 miles North bearing 356° from Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, United States
87.4 miles Northeast bearing 42° from Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, United States
Last position: 2024-08-26 09:00:04 EDT (42s ago)
2024-08-26 09:00:04 EDT local time at New Gloucester, United States [?]
Last WX report: 2024-08-26 09:00:04 EDT (42s ago) – show weather charts
66 °F 91% 1005.7 mbar 0.0 MPH Northwest
Device: Unknown: Unknown
Last path: N1XBM-13>APRS via TCPIP*,qAC,CWOP-6
Positions stored: 1
Packet rate: 808 seconds between packets on average during 39599 seconds.

I brought this up some time ago. I had the same question. I eventually found an *.ini file where I could edit it.

However after a day or so it would revert back to the original.wd message.

So to the best of my knowledge it can’t be done permanently

Hope I’m wrong and you find a way