How to display data from extra sensor on the extra block large

Recently I have bought a new WN34L sensor by Ecowitt to measure ground temperature more precisely. When I hooked it up to my sensor array I can see only data on the site. I wonder how to add it to the extra block where currently I have my WH31 visible?

Unfortunately, I can’t find it on my .json file:


“tempc”:2.89 is my main WH32EP temperature sensor,
“temp1c” refers to the WH31 sensor.
Button bottom row left shows the uploaded data in a more “human-readable” form

    [stationtype] => EasyWeatherV1.6.9
    [dateutc] => 2024-12-08 12:22:44
    [tempinf] => 67.5
    [humidityin] => 72
    [baromrelin] => 29.906
    [baromabsin] => 29.504
    [tempf] => 37.2
    [humidity] => 92
    [winddir] => 64
    [winddir_avg10m] => 63
    [windspeedmph] => 6.9
    [windspdmph_avg10m] => 6.3
    [windgustmph] => 10.3
    [maxdailygust] => 21.7
    [rainratein] => 0.000
    [eventrainin] => 0.000
    [hourlyrainin] => 0.000
    [dailyrainin] => 0.000
    [weeklyrainin] => 0.000
    [monthlyrainin] => 0.354
    [yearlyrainin] => 22.417
    [solarradiation] => 30.83
    [uv] => 0
    [temp1f] => 37.8
    [humidity1] => 99
    [soilmoisture1] => 38
    [pm25_ch1] => 14.0
    [pm25_avg_24h_ch1] => 24.2
    [lightning_num] => 0
    [lightning_time] => 1730010298
    [lightning] => 27
    [tf_ch2] => 37.8
    [rrain_piezo] => 0.000
    [erain_piezo] => 0.000
    [hrain_piezo] => 0.000
    [drain_piezo] => 0.000
    [wrain_piezo] => 0.000
    [mrain_piezo] => 0.000
    [yrain_piezo] => 0.000
    [wh68batt] => 1.78
    [wh25batt] => 0
    [wh26batt] => 0
    [batt1] => 1
    [soilbatt1] => 1.7
    [pm25batt1] => 5
    [wh57batt] => 5
    [tf_batt2] => 1.66
    [freq] => 868M
    [model] => HP2550A_Pro_V1.7.8

I assume it is the tf_ch2 sensor as for ecowitt it is one of the 8 extra temp sensors.
Just use a cup of warm (not to hot ) water and see which extra temp sensor shows a higher temp-reading.

Your tf_ch2 sensor is correctly translated into $weather[‘soil_tmp2’] value => 3.3

Now you can add that key to extra_temp_block.php
Just modify line 73 which now reads
$t_key[]= 'extra_tmp2';

$t_key[]= 'soil_tmp2';

Should work, I think :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, this is a right variable. The sensor reads only air temperature, so it is fine. Thanks a lot.

By the way, has anyone made some modification to present the color of this value temperature-dependent? Let’s say, dark green font between 5-15 C deg., the red one above 25 deg.?

Yes. there are multiple adaptions.

The upcoming release will use colour-ranges for most weather-values

Leuven Personal Weather Station (ecoLcl version)

This tool shows the default colours values for temp AQ UV and others

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