How to adjust relative air pressure and inHg sensitivity?

Just bought a La Crosse 2317 and want to know how I should adjust the inHg sensitivity and local relative air pressure?


Initially you can set the relative pressure to the same as your local airport (Lake Charles and then adjust it if your elevation is different to the 16ft above sea level of the airport.
Or there’s a nice calculator HERE that will do it for you to your station height off the absolute pressure shown on your WS2307. :wink:

As for the sensitivity, I think that refers to the alarm settings and I’ve not played with that on the consol as I have Weather Display do that for me.

Hi Martin

Does that conversion give you what the Sea Level is compared to what you station is actually reading.
Im a little puzzled (theres a supprise 'eh lol) My Baro reading is 29.21inHg Sea level is set to 29.80inHg
and my height above SL is 140 meters.

When i put in my Baro reading of 29.21 and 140 meters it says it should be 28.71 is this what the sea level
should be adjusted to? or was i right in adjusting mine to a pressure map?

Bashy, you should have an absolute pressure (what your station is reading without any offsets) this is what you put into the calculator. I’ve had another look at it and the altitude is “where sea level is compared to your station”, so in my case I’m 115 ft ASL so, as sea level is below me, then I put in -115.

Based on that, your sea level pressure should be reading about 29.72inHg.
Give it a try and see if if works with your pressure now. :wink:

I’ve been playing and I don’t think it’s as accurate as all that TBH. :frowning:
Bearing mind I’m using Millibars, and comparing my readings to Stornoway Airport’s METAR (EGPO), I was reading about 0.3Mb lower than the EGPO tonight, CWAP puts my station as an average of 0.6Mb down on EGPO.
According to the calculator I was 0.5Mb too high on the readings.

So if I go by the calculator then I’ll be around 0.8-1.1Mb (0.032 inHp) higher on my sea level readings than a UKMO station about 6 miles away.

Now I can’t see 6 miles making that much difference in pressure so I’ve done a correction and increased my relative offset by +0.3Mb and I’ll see how that compares to EGPO over the next few weeks. :wink:

There are a few errors in the description of the calculator:

The metric unit hPa (hectoPascal) is for all practical purposes, identical to the pressure unit designated as millibars; in reality, there is a very small difference, but the scientific community accepts them as the same

There is in fact no difference between mbar & hPa, they are numerically identical, 1mbar = 100 Pa exactly.

1 atm = 1013.20 millibars

1 standard atmosphere (atm) = 1013.25 mbar (or hPa), so if this is being used in the calculations then that may explain why there are small differences.

Sorry Martin, i went bed…

Ok had another go this morning and this time i added -140m as i am above sea level and it gave me 1002.3, but its wrong as the pressure for me now is 1006mb from accuweather and my METAR is showing 1007mb

I think i will just set it to accuweather as the METAR is about 30 - 40 miles as the crow flies

How do you come up with a negative number for this…?

Cos I tried the positive number and it was waaayyyyyy out. I used the negative and it was within 1-2mb of my station pressure.

I think basicly that the calculator isn’t worth using if you need an accurate calculation, as Bashy says, use your nearest METAR or similar to get it. :wink:


Firstly i must apologise as i am also new to all of this weather monitoring.

Here are my current readings, my weather station is 98ft above sea lvl. and these are the current readings from it: absolute 1017.7MB, relative 1026.8MB. If i use the calculator that you mentioned, and enter the absolute pressure it says that my relative pressure should be around 1014MB, or minus 3.6 MB from absolute.
That’s how i understand it anyway, can anyone tell me if i have grasped this info, and understood it correctly. If this is thee case then my current readings are wayoff, altough i have checked on someones wd live that is only about 25 to 30 miles away, and our barometric readings are similar.

Kind Regards


I think you went the other way as I did, have a look on this page and find you nearest reporting station and compare your pressure with their’s: UK weather map - Met Office


Nice one budgie, also another one to try is . I entered the town where i live, and the mbar reading was slightly different to the met office. Not sure but they may apply the offset required for the altitude. It updates every half hour, so I am monitoring it for comparison.

Kind Regards


UPDATE!! I have set my barometer to the setting at , And am pleased to report that my readings are now to within +/-0.3mb. I think I can live with that :D.

Kind regards


Nice one Mark, at least you know it’s right now. :wink:

I think the calculator is for basic setups which isn’t much good to the likes of us who need a more accurate calculation.