How do I ... make a screen shot to of WD to add to a post here?

Sorry… not a noob, but I just can’t figure this out. Have a 24" monitor, and really don’t want the entire monitor in the screen shot.


I like to use MWSnap which is very nice and easy to use program.

  • Jim

I can recommend Zapgrab

I sometimes use my iPhone camera for non-work related stuff (like this) because it is handy but zapgrab gives you a lot of control and is easy to use.


I also recommend MWSnap for a free program but if running Vista or W7 then you can use the built in Snip tool. Screenshots are best saved as a .gif so as to be legible.

Don’t forget the basic ‘Print Screen’ key of course which will take a screenshot and store it in the clipboard (memory), open Windows Paint and paste it in, edit and save - job done.

We have a FAQ for the Paint method.

Thanks to all! I used the snipping tool in Windows 7 and that worked great!

This one works great!

I use a program called Screenhunter…and it’s free!