How do i correct (reset) the rain amounts?

i had a sensor problem with my rain gauge :frowning: (it came off its mount due to heavy winds :oops: , which caused the wind to invent rainfall). How can i correct the rain-today, rain-yesterday, rain-month-to-date, and rain-this-year values? I see a screen that lets me update each minute’s data, is that the only way?

setup, barometer offsets, other offsets and rainfall
then you can set the new totals there

ahhhh. that seemed to work, but my graph in my computer’s display is still messed up. How can i fix that?

Also, what does “View; View and Correct the Log File Rain Totals” do?

the menu item
graph setup, correct the graph
then set the start/end position and tick correct rain
set the start position before the incorrect rain

the other correction screen is to adjust the rain totals for each day in the averages/exttreme, but if you correct it before the end of the day like you have , then you will be ok for the averages/extreme


For the daily rainfall display on the correction menu, could you please display the precip in hundreths of inches for us Yanks (XX.XX), right not only the nearest tenth of an inch is displayed.


Dave Helms