How can I download Wheather satellite images

Hi All,

WD just keeps getting better.

For the past week or so I have been looking for sites that have free(ish) weather satellite images in my case of europe.

BBC, Met office etc all have images, but I can not see how to download them, as the only link is an html link. And so far I have not been able to find a way for WD to down load tge image displayed.

Does any on know how this could be done, of know of any sites

Hoping some one has the answer

Regards Wood Ant

Budgie did an excellent job on making an FAQ for downloading a grahic from a wx site and then animating them…see here for maybe one location…

Edit: this is the thread whilst he was discussing with others…standby for a further Edit for the FAQ as I can’t find it at the mo…

Edit 2: See entry #20 on the above thread

You could maybe do a search for people decoding NOAA sattelite pictures, contact them and ask if it’s ok to link to those from your web site. I have done that with mine.

Or you could go the whole hog and decode your own


The image I use is from Austro Control in Austria.
All you do is right click on the image and click ‘Properties’. You’ll see a heading in the window named ‘Address (URL)’, copy this address and paste it on your page where you want it. I’ve also put a link back to Austro Control on there as well. :wink:

There’s also a range of satellite images available from EuMetSat where you can do the same thing as above.

The problem in the UK is that you can’t use the Met Office or BBC images, unless you want to pay for them, as they are copyrighted to the Met Office. :wink:

Hello All,

Thanks for the replies.

For the moment all I want to do is use WD to down load the images and store them. I do not yet have a webpage or server

How ever all the Images have a URL format of (http://www.**/1801221630.)
The numbers representing the date and time if the image, which change when the image is updated.

Can WD use or be modified this format, where by each hour or so WD will download that file for that date and time instead just downloading (http://www.***/satpic.) which is the same image every hour or so.

I did for some years, download images directly from space, but gave up a few years back.

Regards Wood Ant

I did for some years, download images directly from space

Wow, extraterrestrials have weather satellite images too! :slight_smile:


If you use this url then the address remains the same and the image is updated once every 30 minutes: Request Rejected :wink:

Edit: I think this one from Eumetsat is the same:

Thanks every one for your replies.

I will give them a reply

Wood Ant

On a similar note, i am trying to find a precipitation satellite image so i can do the same
Something similar to this but more focused on the UK, perhaps something similar to meteox, i thought EUMETSAT did them but it dont look like it

Can anyone advise please?

I’ve only found the two I listed above Bashy, although the one you’ve found would be good when animated and it’s large enough to show the stuff coming in from the Atlantic. :wink:

Sorry People,

I been trying your suggested links, but am not able to download any images.

What am I doing wrong??

Regards Wood Ant

Without seeing a screen capture of your HTTP downloads it is difficult to say what you are doing wrong…Have you tried setting up the HTTP download exactly as shown in the Budgie setup in serial 20 on the link at reply entry#1 to this thread…if you follow that screenshot exactly you will find the downloaded images within WD (mine are a Downloads folder)…you will then be able to use this as an example and get downloads from other sites as required… :wink:

Thank for the reply.

I have had a look at the FAQ’s and I still con not download any thing.

Image below

Regards Wood Ant

you need to set a local filename

Edit: You just beat me to it Brian…whilst I was making a capture :wink:

Hi All,
Thankk for all the replies.
But still no downloads, what I am doing wrong?

See image

Regards Wood Ant

You need to click on the > arrow to move the local filename into the box to the right…

like this…

and I have just tested it and it is working :smiley:

(I notice that you have used an upper case too…might be better to use all lower case routinely)

Thank All, Its Working Fine Now

Wood Ant