Historical Rain Data (pwsdashboard)


I have recently installed the pwsdashboard. It works great, but the historical rain data is not calculated correctly. I use WUndergrund as my provider. There I see the historical data correctly (https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/ITUCHE4). I have set up the CRON job, which runs once a night.

My URL to the pwsdashboard: https://www.wehnl-franken.de/pws

The Data in the rain_block are not shown correctly. If I click on graph to see “the last year”. It show’s all historical data correctly.

Thank you for your help



Hi Sebastian,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for testing PWS_Dashboard.

Your data you get back from WU for your dashboard, only contains current values.

                    [stationID] => ITUCHE4
                    [obsTimeUtc] => 2024-02-12T07:02:50Z
                    [solarRadiation] => 6.2
                    [uv] => 0
                    [winddir] => 180
                    [humidity] => 88
                            [temp] => 6.1
                            [heatIndex] => 6.1
                            [dewpt] => 4.2
                            [windChill] => 6.1
                            [windSpeed] => 0
                            [windGust] => 0
                            [pressure] => 1002.03
                            [precipRate] => 0
                            [precipTotal] => 0.25
                            [elev] => 107.9

To get the “historical” values you need to run a script every 5 minutes.
For that we use a cron server either from your provider
→ but some providers do not allow a cron every 5 minutes
or from a free or paid external cron-provider.
→ they arte more flexibel and easier to setup

More information in this topic about no-high-lows on this forum.

Succes with adapting the dashboard to your liking,


Now, it work’s fine :slight_smile: