High/low temps wrong in upload file

HI @pwsdashboard ,
reading this discussion and looking at my page https://meteopaparano.altervista.org/pwsWD/index.php , I noticed that I also don’t have the minimum temperatures in the third small block.

Me importing Ecowitt data through this solution Ecowitt Problem importing some data - #9 by pwsdashboard - PWS Dashboard 2012 - Weather-Watch Forum (thanks to you), apply this code change indicated, of course it does not solve the problem:

The strange thing I hadn’t noticed is that even in the imported realtime.txt file “0” is indicated as a value unfortunately


Any solution?

Thank you

Hi amonphi,

I moved your post to a separate topic as this is a interesting question and not related to the other topic.

The file which is uploaded by your “weather-program” contains the weather-values which will be processed “as-is” without modification. So the PWS_Dashboard scripts only read the file. They do not change the upload-file itself.
Please check the original definition Realtime.txt - Cumulus Wiki
If your weather-program has no min (or max) values it is uploading an invalid file.

A “0” is a correct values as is any numeric value.
The PWS_dashboard scripts can not distinguish a 0 error value from a 0 valid value.

If your weather-program uses a “n/a” or "---" text and not a “0” I could adept the dashboard “PWS_livedata.php” script. But that will be end-of August and currently i am not willing to do it as it will
open a can of worms of “malfunctioning weather-program-adaptions”

So better discuss this with the author of your weather-program.
Or use another weather-program or use Ecowitt “custom-upload” or buy an extra GW1100 which can be used as a spare also.


Ok no problem, I was in fact in doubt whether to ask the question here or not!

In fact, I had no doubts about the functioning of the PWS_Dashboard scripts, with your explanation you confirmed to me that the problem derives from the data loaded in realtime.txt by the weather-program.
I checked the realtime.txt file and the plugin I use to import it loads exactly that data.
I therefore confirm that, as you advised me, I will have to consult the author of that plugin in case there is the possibility of implementing the missing data, or using an alternative.

Thank you very much