help Struggling with SteelGauges script

Hi everybody

I’m struggling with the steelGauge scripts

This is what I’ve got so far

I’ve got a copy of this file (customclientrawlocal )in my Wdisplay/Web files ? Is this correct

showRoseGaugeOdo : true, //Show the optional Wind Rose gauge wind run Odometer
showRoseOnDirGauge: true, //Show the rose data as sectors on the direction gauge
showGaugeShadow : true, //Show a drop shadow outside the gauges
// The realtime files should be absolute paths, “/xxx.txt” refers to the public root of your web server
realTimeURL_LongPoll: ‘realtimegauges-longpoll.php’, //*** ALL Users: If using long polling, change to your location of the PHP long poll realtime file ***
realTimeURL_Cumulus: ‘realtimegauges.txt’, //*** Cumulus Users: Change to your location of the realtime file ***
realTimeURL_WD : ‘customclientraw.txt’, //*** WD Users: Change to your location of the ccr file ***
realTimeURL_VWS : ‘steelseriesVWSjson.php’, //*** VWS Users: Change to your location of the JSON script generator ***
realTimeURL_WC : ‘realtimegaugesWC.txt’, //*** WeatherCat Users: Change to your location of the JSON script generator ***
realTimeURL_MB : ‘MBrealtimegauges.txt’, //*** Meteobridge Users: Change to the location of the JSON file
realTimeURL_WView : ‘customclientraw.txt’, //*** WView Users: Change to your location of the customclientraw.txt file ***
realTimeURL_weewx : ‘gauge-data.txt’, //*** WeeWX Users: Change to your location of the gauge data file ***
useCookies : true, //Persistently store user preferences in a cookie?
tipImages : ,

Please see image of the settings I’ve used in weather display, Have I set these correctly?

Appreciate any help thank you

Where is the customclientraw.txt on the web server?

I checked your gauges.js. Unless you change the line:

realTimeURL_WD : ‘customclientraw.txt’, //*** WD Users: Change to your location of the ccr file ***

it will be looking for the file at - but it’s not there.

Your clientraw.txt file is here:
But I cannot find the customclientraw.txt file, the WD screen shot above says it should be in the same location as the clientraw.txt.
Have you given WD the customclientrawlocal.txt file to process?

make sure the customclientrawlocal.txt file is in your clientraw location
(which may be different to your webfiles location)
then WD should be creating and uploading the customclientraw.txt file

Hi everybody

I can’t get wd to upload the customclientraw.txt File

In the update frequency (secs) What is the recommended Setting, whatever value I put in it always goes back to 0?

I have tried having the 2nd programme, using these FTP settings , Activated Still having no luck uploading the customclientraw.txt

I tried a different way using the (FTP and connections metar /noaa ) (General FTP functions)
File to upload Customclientraw.txt (Upload every 60 minutes use this for testing to make sure the file is being generated correctly by wd

Just cannot get it upload using the settings in the (real-time client F TP/AJAX/weather display live setup :frowning:

I’m using the latest Version 10.377R281

Thank you

I just tested setting the update and upload frequency
that is remembered OK
your screen shot shows you have it set to 120 seconds for upload frequency
try setting that to say 10
and try setting the update frequency to say 10 (instead of 60 , like you have it set in your screen shot)

is the customclientraw.txt file being created OK?
(in the clientraw location you have set in WD), from the customclientraw.txt file…thats the first step

it then should be uploaded OK by the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program (try restarting that program)

try setting that to say 10
and try setting the update frequency to say 10 (instead of 60 , like you have it set in your screen shot)
Set the settings to 10

is the customclientraw.txt file being created OK?
(in the clientraw location you have set in WD), from the customclientraw.txt file…thats the first step
Yes the file has been created

it then should be uploaded OK by the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program (try restarting that program)
Restarted program

Still not getting the file updated by wd

(FTP and connections metar /noaa ) (General FTP functions)
File to upload Customclientraw.txt (Upload every 60 minutes use this for testing to make sure the file is being generated correctly by wd
It is being updated by using this method

Hi everybody

It’s working :smiley:

Thank you Brian and everybody for the pointers

The next problem is that pop-up graphs

What do I need to set up to get the graphs to work?
At the moment there are blank
thank you

I think most wd users use wxgraphs to generate them. A forum search should find a few references.

Main wxgraph thread here