HELP - New Set Up Required

My Oregon Scientific WMR300 needs a new sensor which is no longer available…apparently. So I think I might get another WS. I’ve checked this forum for ideas but there doesn’t seem to be anything recent. I’ve an idea on what I might like, Bresser and accur8 seem attractive, but what is the experience of you who can recommend? My budget could reach £500, but do I neeeeeed to spend that? Any help would be grand and I thank you all in advance.

As I said elsewhere, the WMR300 was a copy of a Davis station so I am surprised that a temp/hum sensor is not available.

Otherwise Ecowitt seems to be a popular choice of station. . .

I’m not sure but I think on the WMR300 its an all in one unit. I didn’t know it was a Davis copy…I’ll check out the Ecowitt. Thanks.

I think you may have to replace the actual sensor chip. . .