Happy New Years!

I will be heading off to the summer place (oops - winter place right now!) tomorrow for New Years - and although we have internet there - I won’t likely be online to wish everyone a Happy New Years. I will also have a chance to do some weather system work that has eluded me over the past month or so!

I hope that everyone has a great New Years and a prosperous 2004.


Happy New Year to you Jeff, and all the other WD folks. I need to thank everyone for all I’ve learned here in 2003, some of it was even about weather and software :lol: , and I’m looking forward to more of the same in 2004.

:smiley: Happy New Year :smiley:

The best of New Year’s greetings :lol: to the entire WD family. Expecially our fearless leader, 8) Brian.

and a big thankyou to everyone for helping me fix bugs,test things, etc in weather display!

wd survived the new year OK for me, but there was a pop up about a file not found,.,…

Hi Brian and a Happy New Year to you and all the WD family. :smiley:

I set my PC clock to 11:45PM on my stationless PC and let it change over the hour, month and year. All appears to be fine. The daily and monthly resets all changed over. No error messages.

Great job on 10a.

Hi Brian and a Happy New Year to you and all the WD family. :smiley:

I set my PC clock to 11:45PM on my stationless PC and let it change over the hour, month and year. All appears to be fine. The daily and monthly resets all changed over. No error messages.

Great job on 10a.

i think the error for me was when it went to print out the reports for the month…
it was ok last month, but a new year and looking for last months data form last year would have caused it to spit the dummy
(but i didnt have my printer plugged in)
i just noticed that going to view, all time records, it flashes with the current monthly new reocrd, and it says month to date, but its showing the year to date,.,clicking on month to date fixes that,…so i need to make that auto

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