gW1000 rain totals

I’m still learning about my new ecowitt gw1000 after having a WMR200 for more than 10 years. I have just noticed the rain month and year totals didn’t reset after the start of Jan. Should I have ticked ‘use station rain totals’. Also living in Australia I need daily rain to reset at 9am. I have set this on the GW1000 as well as WD, will this mess things up?

With my GW1100 and WD I use that option to have WD use the gateway rain totals and it works fine, however I do not use the 9am reset, never understood why that exists! I would use the 09:00 setting in the gateway if you require that time to reset.


Set it to read the totals and it seems ok now. The 9am reset time stems from reading the manual rain gauge at 9am, Midnight not a very convenient time to do this dyt?

Because the Australian Bureau of Meteorology says rain is reset at 09:00

But that not a meteorological reason for doing it that way, which is what I hoped someone would come up with :wink:


I’ve always assumed that it dated back to the time before automatic weather stations. It would be unrealistic to ask someone to go out in the dark at midnight to take a rain total reading, but far more realistic to ask them to do it as the first activity of the work day at 9am. I’m not sure why this would only have been chosen in Australia though because the same applies in all other countries. Unless other countries used to do it but changed to midnight when automated systems became more popular?

I think BOM might argue they can do what they like in Oz :slight_smile:

Just like UK Met Office allows a private official rain reporter up the road to read his standard rain gauge at 09:00 every morning.

And the US rain year runs 1/10-30/9.

Information from BOM

It does cause confusion though when looking at historical records as large rain events seem to have occurred on the wrong day.

UK Met Office is the same, it uses 09:00 as the start of the rainfall day.

Used to cause confusion in WD as well, if multiple posts by your compatriots are anything to go by :lol:

P.S. I’m still running the WMR200. . . but WD doesn’t decode the history data any more :frowning:

Well, I didn’t know that 8O

I just assumed it was midnght. . .

Just replaced my wmr200 after more than 10 years. Rain gauge gave up and couldn’t source a new one locally. I did work out how to read the history data but it was a lot of faffing about so didn’t worry about it. If you’re passing Brisbane way I have some working sensors you can have.

It’s worse, they use both 09:00 and 21:00 when quoting various extremes.

'Thought the Met Office was supposed to be a scientific institution :?