Graphic Information from WeatherLink


Although it pains me to say this … I find the graphs and dials from Davis’s weatherlink to be more user-friendly and easier to understand at a glance than WD…

Have a quick look at these links :-

I’m not for a moment suggesting that weatherlink is better than WD (it’s not!) - but I’d really like the ability to produce a few of these very simple images to compliment the very detailed WD images.

Could someone tell me how/if this is possible ?

I’m using the mysql option now but have no idea how to use the data ;-(


i am intending to add a bucket type rain guage image…
have you see the autoscale graphs?
you can even customise them,…and have just barometer only…

Yes, I’ve seen them … can’t say I’ve played with them much though.

The main autosize graph always has it’s right hand edge cut off, a problem which I’ve never worked out how to fix.

I suspect it’s very easy to use PHP to create simple charts from the mysql database, but I don’t have a clue as to how this could be done ;-(

Are there any how-to’s on this anywhere ? (I’m a complete novice with php).


Look at this nice animated dials :lol:

And very completed graphs :wink:

have you seen the option to have a dial for the temperature gauge?
see in the custom web page setup… :wink:

Yes I now that is there, but I use the tempdial in combination with the dewdial :wink:

What I can suggest in that my pages contain three, those that Weatherlink generates, Weather Display and Excel.

IF you want to use Weatherlink, set all graphs to historical and upload those once or twice a day, the remaining time use Weather Display. You still obtain all of the data and capabilities that Weatherlink has and in fact generate ( which you can export) data files. Then you can refresh your talent on Excel or another spread sheet program and present that data.

Weather Display use those graphs you want to upload as they are produced or you could use the screen shot.

I agree that the automaps are sometimes a bit tricky to get where you want them to be and the real time has good ideas associated with it. You need to let the program collect a bunch of data then you can see the capabilities.

And if you are a real data freak, under setup go down to the other things and have it save as a csv file. Then you have a lot of data. Finally, if you have MS Access, boot up the wdisplay data file, have that data produce a continuous database with updatable charts and graphs as you see fit.

there is the option to have wd create csv log files, for use with Excel…
i will add a tank type rain guage as an option, for starters, soon

I could use a tank as well…

i finally found some time to creat tank rain dials
uploading 10.16p beta now
and tick to produce tank rain dials in the custom web page setup, in the ftp/internet setup


background colour you set via set the colour of the rain dial…