Graph line resolution


Upgraded from 9.95d to latest 10.10n and the data in the graph display is very up and down as if the resolution has changed. Hard to explain can go to and you will see what I mean.


are you referring to the “blocky” look of the graphs?

yeah, its a whole new graphing routine, and takes a bit of getting used to.
but there are many advantages!
lots more config availble in the graph setup, etc,
and more graphs to view, right mouse click on the main screen graph to see those


One of the blockiest (is that a word?) graphs is wind directiion.
Try checking dots for that one in graph setup. You might like it.

After looking at your URL path, I’d say you’re a candidate for
free redirection service to your weather website.

Take a look under the “General Weather” section of this forum.
Then you would have 2 paths to get to your station.

You could look like:


It will take some getting used to. But I will try your suggestion of using dots for wind direction…also graphing only wind average to take the busyness out of the presentation.


graphing as blocked in, or graphing gust and average only can help too
have you seen where by moving the mouse over the graph, you get the latest readings displayed?
thats a bonus :slight_smile:
also, you can now plot extra temp or humidity or even solar data too