GR3 Animated GIF.

I just got my registered version of GR3 and I am off to the races!

I’d like to create a smaller 320X240 animated GIf file for my index.php page. Any Ideas on a script that would take the images and create an animated gif?

I am also having a hard time get the Ajax template page to display the GR3 stuff.

Any Help would be appreciated!

[GR3 is uploading the images here.](http://GR3 is uploading the images here.)


Hi Bob (I’m back…lol)

This is the script I use for my page…PHP animated gifs for GR3 radar & other uses?

Later on when I’m home I’ll send you the Carterlkae/WD/Ajax page format.


Are you using this on your wxgr3radar.php page?

<?php include_once("GR3-radar-inc.php"); ?>


Thanks Jack,

I have GR3 under control & consistently uploading images. I still have some tweaking to do, but I think I have it figured out for the most part.

Now I have moved on to my animated gif. I have it uploaded to my server and quickly got stuck again. I am missing a path statement somewhere I think. It is not picking up the path to the GIF images after it creates them. It is looking for them in the animator directory rather than the grlevel3 directory.