GFS-maps & meteograms

A bit better :slight_smile:
Maps are blinking on GrADS but in the other window go out an error:


lets try this:

  1. Download all 3 scripts from (see the img) and put them in (YourDrive):\OpenGrADS\Contents\Resources\Scripts
  2. Download this script rename it to and try to run it

Please post the reasults.


sorry the image for those 3 scripts:


Same thing.
Maps are blinking on GrADS (slower than before) and on other window shows:

Another try,

download again edited script rename it to and try to run it

Same result:

ooops, forgot one more thing, download this file :
and put it in (YourDrive):\OpenGrADS\Contents\Resources\SupportData

And again this edited script:

Wowowowowowow!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
No errors now, and maps are blinking on GrADS window.
Where could i see the maps extracted?

Now, i would extract all gfs run for my zone…is it possible?

The maps are in D:\OpenGrADS\Contents\Cygwin\Versions\2.0.1.oga.1\i686 named pcptype"xx".png

No, mine are on /resources/SampleDatasets/

At this point i’ve tried to run but i’ve the same errors.
Is it a bad file?

I’ve seen that you have marked (in right below-corner, every map) with your nickname (or site).
How to do this?

Thanks in advance,


This part of the script :

‘set strsiz 0.12’

‘set strsiz 0.10’
‘set string 1 r 3 0’ ; ‘draw string 9.35 0.75 Mapa (c) AMS EmsiWx Bytca,’ -------------> text after “0.75” Mapa (c) AMS EmsiWx Bytca, = change to whatever you want

‘set strsiz 0.12’
‘set string 1 r 3 0’ ; 'draw string 9.45 0.4 Plati pre: 'hub
‘set string 1 l 3 0’ ; 'draw string 0.15 0.2 Data: Model GFS, Beh modelu z 'huh
*‘set string 1 r 3 0’ ; ‘draw string 10.6 0.4 mm’

  • Draw Labels at the top of the page
    ‘set string 1 r 11 0’
    ‘set strsiz 0.14’
    ‘set string 1 l 6 0’ ; ‘draw string 0.15 0.4 Predpokladane skupenstvo zrazok’ ----------------------------------->Text after “0.4” Predpokladane skupenstvo zrazok = Forecasted precipitation type

‘set strsiz 0.10’
‘set string 1 r 3 90’ ; ‘draw string 9.8 8.3 Dazd’ ------------------------------------> Text after “8.3” Dazd = Rain
‘set string 1 r 3 90’ ; ‘draw string 10.2 8.3 Sneh’ -----------------------------------> Text after “8.3” Sneh = Snow
‘set string 1 r 3 90’ ; ‘draw string 10.6 8.3 Mrz.zr.’ -----------------------------------> Text after “8.3” Mrz.zr. = Frz. pcp. (Freezing precipitation)

I would download all gfs run.
Could i use your .gs file or i should correct file?

I would also center the map near my lat long coordinates.
Can i set it on this code:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

function setmap(args)
'set mproj nps'
'set mpvals 0 38 37 61'
'set lon -15 53'
'set lat 5 90'



First part I dont understand, I will have a closer look at your file.

Secondly, yes this part:

‘set mpvals 0 38 37 61’
‘set lon -15 53’
‘set lat 5 90’

sets the part shown on the map

Ok, really many thanks for your suport :slight_smile:

Does your file download only Rain, Snow and Freezing rain?
What about others weather values?
Other .gs files?



You are welcome :slight_smile:

seems your is set to generate all the files online on the web server of nordicweather, the paths for the output files will not work for you, if I find some time I can edit the script to work for you and your local drive.

I do not have a single script for all variables…I use my own scripts, one script = one variable, running about 30 scripts automatically after each GFS run, and posting them with TurboFTP to my web site.
Hope I will have a separate dedicated Linux box for GFS and my own WRF runs soon :slight_smile:

Here another example to calc Temperature 2m :

function main(args)

  • Parse the arguments: date, hour
    if (args = ‘’)
    prompt 'Enter forecast date (example, 20110717) → ’
    pull date
    prompt 'Enter forecast hour (example, 00 or 06 or 12 or 18) → ’
    pull hour
    date = subwrd(args,1)
    hour = subwrd(args,2)


  • Get info from the descriptor file
    ‘q ctlinfo’
    _ctl = result
    _undef = getctl(undef)
    _tdef = getctl(tdef)
    _zdef = getctl(zdef)

maps = 61

  • Get the Time axis info
    tsize = subwrd(_tdef,2)
    _t1 = 1 ;* 2nd half of timeseries
    _t2 = 45
    tsize = _t2 - _t1 + 1
    'set t ‘_t1’ ‘_t2
    ‘q dims’
    times = sublin(result,5)
    _time1 = subwrd(times,6)
    _time2 = subwrd(times,8)
    _tdim = _time1’ '_time2

tincr = subwrd(_tdef,5)
_tdef = 'tdef ‘tsize’ linear ‘_time1’ 'tincr

huh = subwrd(_tdef,4)



i = 1
while ( i<maps )

  • Set up a few preliminary characteristics

'set t 'i

‘define t2m=tmp2m-273.16’

*‘set gxout shaded’
‘set csmooth on’
*‘set clevs -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28’
*‘set ccols 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83’

‘color -gxout shaded -40 40 0.4 -kind maroon->white->fuchsia->navy->aqua->mediumspringgreen->yellow->red->violet -xcbar 10.1 10.3 0.7 7.74 -fs 10’

‘d t2m’


‘set gxout grid’
‘set gridln off’
‘set cthick 5’
‘set ccolor 1’

‘d skip(t2m,2,2)’

‘set line 1 1 20’
‘draw shp SVK_adm0’

‘q dims’
times = sublin(result,5)
hub = subwrd(times,6)

‘set strsiz 0.12’
‘set string 1 r 3 90’ ; ‘draw string 9.9 4.6 T2m (st.C)’

‘set strsiz 0.10’
‘set string 1 r 3 0’ ; ‘draw string 9.35 0.75 Mapa (c) AMS EmsiWx Bytca,’

‘set strsiz 0.12’
‘set string 1 r 3 0’ ; 'draw string 9.45 0.4 Plati pre: 'hub
‘set string 1 l 3 0’ ; 'draw string 0.15 0.2 Data: Model GFS, Beh modelu z 'huh

  • Draw Labels at the top of the page
    ‘set string 1 r 11 0’
    ‘set strsiz 0.14’
    ‘set string 1 l 6 0’ ; ‘draw string 0.15 0.4 Teplota v 2 metroch’

‘printim Mapy/sync/t2meu/gfs_eu_t2m’i+10’.png x900 y675’

i = i+1


function setmap(args)
‘set mproj nps’
‘set mpvals 0 38 37 61’
‘set lon -15 53’
‘set lat 5 90’
‘set mpdset newmap’

‘set rgb 98 238 238 238’
‘set display color white’
‘set map 1 1 5’
‘set background 98’
‘set grid off’
‘set grads off’

‘set parea 0.02 9.54 0.8 8.50’
‘set rgb 99 1 1 1’
‘set line 99 1 6’
*‘draw rec 0.02 0.02 9.54 0.81’
*‘draw rec 9.54 0.02 10.99 8.48’


function setcols(args)

‘set rgb 175 73 172 255’
‘set rgb 176 82 176 255’
‘set rgb 177 91 180 255’
‘set rgb 178 100 184 255’
‘set rgb 179 109 188 255’
‘set rgb 180 118 192 255’
‘set rgb 181 127 196 255’
‘set rgb 182 136 200 255’
‘set rgb 183 145 204 255’
‘set rgb 184 154 208 255’
‘set rgb 185 163 212 255’
‘set rgb 186 172 216 255’
‘set rgb 187 181 220 255’
‘set rgb 188 190 224 255’
‘set rgb 189 199 228 255’
‘set rgb 190 208 232 255’
‘set rgb 191 217 236 255’
‘set rgb 192 226 240 255’
‘set rgb 193 235 244 255’
‘set rgb 194 244 248 255’
‘set rgb 195 253 252 255’
*Light blue

‘set rgb 20 234 245 234’
‘set rgb 21 200 215 200’
‘set rgb 22 160 205 160’
‘set rgb 23 120 215 120’
‘set rgb 24 80 235 80’
‘set rgb 25 0 255 0’
‘set rgb 26 0 195 0’
‘set rgb 27 0 160 0’
‘set rgb 28 0 125 0’

‘set rgb 30 255 160 120’
‘set rgb 31 160 120 255’
‘set rgb 32 160 180 205’

‘set rgb 42 32 208 32’
‘set rgb 43 208 32 208’
‘set rgb 44 64 64 255’
‘set rgb 45 255 120 32’
‘set rgb 46 32 208 208’
‘set rgb 47 240 240 0’

‘set rgb 96 139 115 85’
‘set rgb 97 100 100 100’
‘set rgb 98 64 64 96’
‘set rgb 99 254 254 254’

  • farby pre geopotencialny rozdiel
    ‘set rgb 100 0 180 255’
    ‘set rgb 101 0 200 200’
    ‘set rgb 102 0 205 170’
    ‘set rgb 103 0 210 140’
    ‘set rgb 104 0 215 70’
    ‘set rgb 105 0 220 0’
    ‘set rgb 106 80 225 25’
    ‘set rgb 107 160 230 50’
    ‘set rgb 108 195 225 50’
    ‘set rgb 109 230 220 50’
    ‘set rgb 110 230 195 47’
    ‘set rgb 111 230 175 45’
    ‘set rgb 112 235 155 42’
    ‘set rgb 113 240 130 40’
    ‘set rgb 114 248 65 20’
    ‘set rgb 115 255 0 0’
    ‘set rgb 116 255 30 30’
    ‘set rgb 117 250 60 60’
    ‘set rgb 118 245 30 95’
    ‘set rgb 119 240 0 130’
    ‘set rgb 120 235 0 150’
    ‘set rgb 121 230 0 160’
    ‘set rgb 122 225 0 170’

  • farby pre zmenu teploty
    ‘set rgb 130 80 130 120’
    ‘set rgb 131 120 110 150’
    ‘set rgb 132 180 160 180’
    ‘set rgb 133 160 0 200’
    ‘set rgb 134 135 0 210’
    ‘set rgb 135 110 0 220’
    ‘set rgb 136 70 30 238’
    ‘set rgb 137 30 60 255’
    ‘set rgb 138 15 110 255’
    ‘set rgb 139 0 160 255’
    ‘set rgb 140 54 180 255’
    ‘set rgb 141 60 200 200’
    ‘set rgb 142 144 212 205’
    ‘set rgb 143 185 238 215’
    ‘set rgb 144 224 254 250’
    ‘set rgb 145 255 255 255’
    ‘set rgb 146 246 254 215’
    ‘set rgb 147 240 245 170’
    ‘set rgb 148 232 232 130’
    ‘set rgb 149 230 225 70’
    ‘set rgb 150 230 200 50’
    ‘set rgb 151 230 175 45’
    ‘set rgb 152 235 152 42’
    ‘set rgb 153 240 130 40’
    ‘set rgb 154 245 95 50’
    ‘set rgb 155 250 60 60’
    ‘set rgb 156 245 30 95’
    ‘set rgb 157 240 0 130’
    ‘set rgb 158 235 0 150’
    ‘set rgb 159 220 0 180’
    ‘set rgb 160 200 0 200’


function setTeOsPtcols(args)

‘set rgb 33 248 50 60’
‘set rgb 34 255 50 89’
‘set rgb 35 255 50 185’
‘set rgb 36 248 50 255’
‘set rgb 37 224 50 255’
‘set rgb 38 195 50 255’
‘set rgb 39 175 50 255’
‘set rgb 40 161 50 255’
‘set rgb 41 137 50 255’
‘set rgb 42 118 74 255’
‘set rgb 43 98 74 255’
‘set rgb 44 79 50 255’
‘set rgb 45 50 50 255’
‘set rgb 46 50 74 255’
‘set rgb 47 50 89 255’
‘set rgb 48 50 113 255’
‘set rgb 49 50 146 255’
‘set rgb 50 50 175 255’
‘set rgb 51 50 204 255’
‘set rgb 52 50 224 255’
‘set rgb 53 50 255 253’
‘set rgb 54 50 255 228’
‘set rgb 55 50 255 200’
‘set rgb 56 50 255 161’
‘set rgb 57 50 255 132’
‘set rgb 58 50 255 103’
‘set rgb 59 50 255 79’
‘set rgb 60 50 255 60’
‘set rgb 61 79 255 50’
‘set rgb 62 132 255 50’
‘set rgb 63 171 255 50’
‘set rgb 64 204 255 50’
‘set rgb 65 224 255 50’
‘set rgb 66 253 255 50’
‘set rgb 67 255 233 50’
‘set rgb 68 255 224 50’
‘set rgb 69 255 209 50’
‘set rgb 70 255 204 50’
‘set rgb 71 255 185 50’
‘set rgb 72 255 161 50’
‘set rgb 73 255 146 50’
‘set rgb 74 255 127 50’
‘set rgb 75 255 118 50’
‘set rgb 76 255 93 50’
‘set rgb 77 255 74 50’
‘set rgb 78 255 60 50’
‘set rgb 79 255 33 33’
‘set rgb 80 255 0 0’
‘set rgb 81 235 10 0’
‘set rgb 82 215 20 0’
‘set rgb 83 195 30 0’
‘set rgb 84 175 40 0’
‘set rgb 85 165 45 0’
‘set rgb 86 155 50 0’
‘set rgb 87 145 55 0’
‘set rgb 88 135 60 0’
‘set rgb 89 120 60 0’
‘set rgb 90 100 60 0’
‘set rgb 91 80 60 0’
‘set rgb 20 250 240 230’
‘set rgb 21 240 220 210’
‘set rgb 22 225 190 180’
‘set rgb 23 200 160 150’
‘set rgb 24 180 140 130’
‘set rgb 25 160 120 110’
‘set rgb 26 140 100 90’


function vrng(f1,f2)
‘set gxout stat’
'd 'f1
data = sublin(result,8)
ymx = subwrd(data,5)
ymn = subwrd(data,4)
'd 'f2
data = sublin(result,8)
zmx = subwrd(data,5)
zmn = subwrd(data,4)
if (zmx > ymx) ; ymx = zmx ; endif
if (zmn < ymn) ; ymn = zmn ; endif
dy = ymx-ymn
ymx = ymx + 0.08 * dy
ymn = ymn - 0.08 * dy
if ((ymx-ymn)/2.2 < 1)
incr = (ymx-ymn)/4
incr = 0.01 * (math_nint(100*incr))
incr = math_nint((ymx-ymn)/4)
'set vrange ‘ymn’ 'ymx
'set ylint 'incr
if (ymn=0 & ymx=0 & incr=0)
‘set vrange -.9 .9’
‘set ylint 1’
‘set gxout line’

function rh2vrng(f1)
‘set gxout stat’
'd 'f1
data = sublin(result,8)
ymn = subwrd(data,4)
ymx = subwrd(data,5)
if (ymn < 20)
miny = 0
‘set ylevs 20 40 60 80’
if (ymn >= 20 & ymn < 30)
miny = 20
‘set ylevs 30 50 70 90’
if (ymn >= 30 & ymn < 40)
miny = 30
‘set ylevs 40 50 60 70 80 90’
if (ymn >= 40 & ymn < 50)
miny = 40
‘set ylevs 50 60 70 80 90’
if (ymn >= 50 & ymn < 60)
miny = 50
‘set ylevs 60 70 80 90’
if (ymn >= 60)
miny = 60
‘set ylevs 70 80 90’
'set vrange ‘miny’ 'ymx+3

function getctl(handle)
line = 1
found = 0
while (!found)
info = sublin(_ctl,line)
if (subwrd(info,1)=handle)
_handle = info
found = 1
line = line + 1
return _handle

function getgrid(dodsvar,myvar)

'set lon '_xdim
'set lat '_ydim
'set lev '_zgrd
'set time '_tdim

  • Write the variable to a file
    ‘set gxout fwrite’
    ‘set fwrite dummy.dat’
    'd 'dodsvar
    ‘disable fwrite’

  • Write a descriptor file
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘dset ^dummy.dat’)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_undef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘xdef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘ydef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_zdef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_tdef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘vars 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘dummy ‘_newzsize’ -999 dummy’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘endvars’,append)
    rc = close (dummy.ctl)

  • Open the dummy file, define variable, close dummy file
    ‘open dummy.ctl’
    line = sublin(result,2)
    dummyfile = subwrd(line,8)
    'set dfile 'dummyfile
    ‘set lon 1’
    ‘set lat 1’
    'set lev ‘_zbot’ '_ztop
    'set time ‘_time1’ '_time2
    'define ‘myvar’ = dummy.'dummyfile
    'close 'dummyfile
    ‘set dfile 1’

function getetarh(dodsvar,myvar)

  • swap out original pressure vars
    tmpzgrd = _zgrd
    tmpzdef = _zdef
    tmpzbot = _zbot
    tmpztop = _ztop
    tmpzsize = _newzsize

  • retrieve rh data over the rh pressure range
    _zgrd = _rhzgrd
    _zdef = _trhzdef
    _ztop = _rhztop
    _zbot = _rhzbot
    _newzsize = _trhzsize

  • swap in original pressure vars
    _zgrd = tmpzgrd
    _zdef = tmpzdef
    _zbot = tmpzbot
    _ztop = tmpztop
    _newzsize = tmpzsize

'set lon '_xdim
'set lat '_ydim
'set lev '_rhzgrd
'set time '_tdim

  • Write the variable to a file
    ‘set gxout fwrite’
    ‘set fwrite dummy.dat’
    t = _t1
    while (t <= _t2)
    'set t 't
    z = 1
    while (z <= _newrhzsize)
    level = subwrd(_rhlevs,z)
    'set lev 'level
    ‘d tmprh’
    z = z + 1
    t = t + 1
    ‘disable fwrite’

  • Write a descriptor file
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘dset ^dummy.dat’)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_undef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘xdef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘ydef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_rhzdef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_tdef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘vars 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘dummy ‘_newrhzsize’ -999 dummy’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘endvars’,append)
    rc = close (dummy.ctl)

  • Open the dummy file, define variable, close dummy file
    ‘open dummy.ctl’
    line = sublin(result,2)
    dummyfile = subwrd(line,8)
    'set dfile 'dummyfile
    ‘set lon 1’
    ‘set lat 1’
    'set lev ‘_rhzbot’ '_rhztop
    'set time ‘_time1’ '_time2
    ‘q dims’
    'define ‘myvar’ = dummy.'dummyfile
    'close 'dummyfile
    ‘set dfile 1’


function getseries(dodsvar,myvar,level)

'set lon '_xdim
'set lat '_ydim
'set lev ‘level’ 'level
'set time '_tdim

  • Write the variable to a file
    ‘set fwrite dummy.dat’
    ‘set gxout fwrite’
    'd 'dodsvar
    ‘disable fwrite’

  • Write a descriptor file
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘dset ^dummy.dat’)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_undef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘xdef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘ydef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘zdef 1 linear 1 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,_tdef,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘vars 1’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘dummy 0 -999 dummy’,append)
    rc = write(dummy.ctl,‘endvars’,append)
    rc = close(dummy.ctl)

  • Open the dummy file, define variable, close dummy file
    ‘open dummy.ctl’
    line = sublin(result,2)
    dummyfile = subwrd(line,8)
    'set dfile 'dummyfile
    ‘set lon 1’
    ‘set lat 1’
    'set lev 'level
    'set time ‘_time1’ '_time2
    'define ‘myvar’ = dummy.'dummyfile
    'close 'dummyfile
    ‘set dfile 1’
    ‘set gxout contour’


Really great!
Last question (for today :smiley: ):

If i would run opengrads automatically and upload all maps on my webspace.
I could use systemscheduler to open the program but after that, who will write run with latest gfs run?
And how to upload all map images extract to my webhost?

Thank you very much,


Yes you can use the WIN built in scheduler and you as batch file like e.g. pcptype.bat

set FileDate=%date:~9,4%%date:~6,2%%date:~3,2%
set FileTime=%time:~0,2%

if /i %FileTime% gtr 00 (
set T=12
set /a FD=%FileDate% - 1
if /i %FileTime% gtr 01 (
set T=18
set /a FD=%FileDate% - 1
if /i %FileTime% gtr 05 (
set T=00
set FD=%FileDate%
if /i %FileTime% gtr 11 (set T=06)
if /i %FileTime% gtr 17 (set T=12)
@echo Year = %FD%
@echo Time = %FileTime%
echo %T%

opengrads -lbxc ‘ %FD% %T%’

It auto detects the time when you run it and use it for the latest GFS run (Now I have the runs set to 6,12,18,02 hours CET)

Then I also auto run the programm TurboFTP which uploads all the new files to my web page.

Thank you very much!
You have opened myself a new world :slight_smile:


Anytime, ur welcome :slight_smile:

Would you have any questions, just ask.

Have a good night :slight_smile:
