Get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php V3.16 available

They ( changed the basic URL to get country alerts. Thanks to @pwsdashboard (Wim) for the heads-up and simple URL change. I’ve also increased the timeout to 30 seconds given the slowness of the site.

Now available on the update tool, the script page and the github distribution.

working fine again

Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me in the saratoga template.
It does work on my pwsDashboard however.



We do have a code yellow until 20:00 this evening for snow and ice

meteoalarm.arr seems empty (size 6)

For some reason, loading wxadvisory.php?force=1 (to reload the cache) doesn’t complete loading the page. It only shows

<!-- get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php - V3.16 - 08-Mar-2023 -->
<!-- using minAlertLevel=2 for 'Yellow' or more severe alerts to display -->
<!-- meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php included -->
<!-- meteoalarm-codenames.json loaded -->

then stops (with a continuing to load indication in the browser). That’s likely a curl failure (and curl timeout failure) trying to get the JSON for the alerts from

Just viewing wxadvisory.php itself shows

<!-- get-meteoalarm-warning-inc.php - V3.16 - 08-Mar-2023 -->
<!-- using minAlertLevel=2 for 'Yellow' or more severe alerts to display -->
<!-- meteoalarm-geocode-aliases.php included -->
<!-- meteoalarm-codenames.json loaded -->
<!-- CountryWarnings:
array (
) -->
<!-- get-meteoalarm-warning-inc: saved details to ./cache/meteoalarm-details.html file -->
<!-- get-meteoalarm-warning-inc: saved summary to ./cache/meteoalarm-summary.html file -->
<!-- get-meteoalarm-warning-inc: begin ./cache/meteoalarm-details.html -->
<div align="center" class="advisoryBox" style="background-color: #29d660; width: 800px;margin: 0 auto !important;">
<!-- Fetch Status:
Loaded warning data from './cache/meteoalarm.arr'. Updated:10/03/2023 17:35

Er zijn momenteel geen weerwaarschuwingen voor: "Zuid-Holland&nbsp;(NL009); Hoek&nbsp;van&nbsp;Holland&nbsp;(NL802)".
</div><!--  get-meteoalarm-warning-inc: end  ./cache/meteoalarm-details.html -->

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