:smiley: Heya Brian, hope your well.

I just wanted to ask, and maybe suggest, (i know you hate this) but perhaps useing an index for the USA for calculation of the FWI, since we use a different method here in the good ole usa. I wouldn’t suggest it if those current fwi came close to the acual conditions here in the USA, but 90% of the time the FWI is off, in relation to the NOAA,NWS, and US Forest Service Index. I don’t know the user ratio per country, so therefor i don’t acually know if a US method is warrented. I think it would be very nice though. You have US non-metric calculations for everything else, so I was wondering could you make a US based FWI calculator. Thanks for your time.

does anyone know the formula for the US system

The real standard, the National Fire Danger Rating System, can’t be done in an automated fashion from scratch. It requires several manual inputs, including fuel stick moisture content (weighing oven dried dowels of a specific size to actually measure moisture content by weight).

The real standard, the National Fire Danger Rating System, can't be done in an automated fashion from scratch. It requires several manual inputs, including fuel stick moisture content (weighing oven dried dowels of a specific size to actually measure moisture content by weight).
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