Fudge factor for UV readings (RESOLVED)

Cheap Oregon Scientific UVN800 sensors lose whatever calibration they might have had quite quickly: today I recorded a max UV Index of 10 at 12:55 BST (probably no cloud enhancement) compared with the Met Office forecast (here) of 5 at 13:00. I have seen 11 reported this year, and my sensor is only two years old. So I thought I would investigate the idea of a Fudge Factor to make it more believable.

I can easily do that with my PWS Dashboard (link as left, not yet modified), and probably for my wxgraphs too, but I am toiling with SSGauges (go to Menu > Extras on Dashboard). I probably started in the wrong place by trying to alter data.UV around line 2420 of gauges.js, but my efforts so far have just resulted in no UV value or no scale on the UV gauge or no tooltip at all. (Interestingly, I can get the required result for max UV in the tip by changing data.UVTH to FF*data.UVTH a few lines further down.)

I suppose it would be a better approach to start right at the beginning, so:

  1. I wonder if WD would upload

in customclientraw.txt; or

  1. I need to find where the data array from customclientraw.txt is first defined in SSGauges. . .

EDIT: WD will upload “FF*%VPuv%” but exactly that: if FF=0.5 and %VPuv%= 2.0 WD uploads “0.5*2.0”, as shown.

there is a UV offset in WD

Thanks, Brian, never saw that #-o

Six years with WD and still learning. . . I’ll give it a go and report back.

Works like a charm :slight_smile:

Started with -20%, to be refined when we get a bit more sun, but it will take me a while to get used to seeing decimals on WD main screen: WMR200 only produces integer values. I have rounded the values displayed on Dashboard and SSGauges.

Thanks again, Brian - saved me a lot of hassle.

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