Ftp uploads on Adelphia high speed

I just created my first web page and cannot get the uploads. I have been sending auto emails to a local TV station, also uploading to to anythingweather. I cannot get my ftp address to work to upload to my web page. If anyone out there is using WD with Adelphia. Please help. This is driving me crazy.

If your other uploads are working, it is likely the path to your server is not correct - i.e. FTP host settings in setup > control panel > FTP setup > under connections tab. Verify those settings are correct.

I have tried every possible combination nothing works I have the exact address from adelphia. I used ftp.users.adelphia.net ftp://… I put my directory in the remote box still nothing. I know I must be doing something wrong. When it comes to web pages I am not very savy.

the remote directory should be public_html.

Tried it with public_html in the remote dir. box still no go. am pasting error log file if this helps. After 2 days and many hours am getting tired of not being able to figure this out.

Logging onto FTP server…ftp.users.adelphia.net/
ERROR: 11004: [11004] Valid name, no data record (check DNS setup) at time/date
7:36:07 AM 9/23/2004 agenda item:
Doing abort procedure/program close…

thats a windows dns error. try going to a command prompt and typing ipconfig /flushdns, then reboot and try again.


i cant even connect to that with WS_FTP
thats the root of the problem

there must be some other adelphia.net users out there!

lots of FAQ there

The server name to FTP to is users.adelphia.net and the directory is public_html

that wors!
i.e ftp server is:

and the remote directory is:

i actualy used google to find that page

Great I’m halfway there. The ftp upload is showing file transfer. The only problem is is it not appearing on my webpage. It’s upoading to the public_html but not to my page. It is listed as an index.html under the public_mtml directory. I really appreciate the help. Now if I can only get it to appear on my page it would make an older user very happy.

post here what the latest ftplogfull.txt file shows now
or via, view, ftp log, view full log
and what the url to your web page should be

under setup > control panel > web files/web page > web files setup #1
What do you have as your first entry on top (weather station file name)
That is what the name of the file is that is uploaded.
I have mine set as “wx” (without the quotes).
Then to view your page, you would go to:

I would try naming the page “index” in the top box - then about half way down that page, hit the button that says "use html instead of htm.

Edit: just tried the above paragraph myself - worked great. Hope it makes sense.


we got it going after lots of emails

Yes we did Thanks to Brian and everyone else who responded to my question. To anyone else with a problem the forum is a valuable asset please use it. I will in the future if I need it. And thanks Brian for your patience and assistance after many mails.