FTP connection problem (Solved)

Hi I’m having some problems with the FTP timing out. I contacted my ftp provider and they said I can disable the timeout with FTP clients like Fileziller. Can I do this with the WD ftp? This is what its showing on the error log. I’ve tried updating WD to a newer version and all sorts nothing seems to work.

list of files uploaded*

Uploading C:\wdisplay\webcamimage.jpg → webcamimage.jpg
actual messages from upload session*
Start Time/date:9:40:15 AM 12-Aug-22
Permanent connection selected
Permanent connection, will do ftp now
Checking for what else to do…
there are 1 more things to do
Starting FTP transfer Now to 2nd server
Logging onto :
Logging onto FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server at
[10060] Connection timed out
Failed to connect: [10060] Connection timed out
FTP error occured
FTP error, looking for next agenda item
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 2 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
there are 1 more things to do
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
143: Busy performing current action.
No more files to upload
All Agenda complete, doing FTP log off…
FTP logoff
143: Busy performing current action.
Doing abort procedure/program close…

I had the exact same problem about six months ago and I tried many things to fix it and nobody on the forum had a suggestion that worked. Even Brian weighed-in and helped by looking at some of my log files to no avail. After about a week it fixed itself. I never was able to determine the cause except maybe something my ISP did (first to break it and then to fix it).

Hi Novawx, ah thanks the weird thing is it works fine when I click update internet now, do a test or force an upload in any way. Its just when doing the scheduled updates it happens. My ISP doesn’t seem to think its their end I guess from their response. It started going a bit funny a couple of weeks back when sometimes the uploads would just show a load of gobbledygook on the webpage, Looked like encryption or something. I guess I’ll leave it running and see if it comes to life.

I’ve been noticing some FTP issues in WD lately as well. I have GoDaddy hosting. I have 2 consoles, 2 serial ports, and CumulusMX on the other console.

What I’ve been noticing on my end is the real time client FTP is stopping. On the main WD page, I can see it pulling “data received”, those counters keep going. But I have to shut down WD, let a new instance of the FTP program start, and it’ll resume.

I should have copied the screen last time it locked up on me, and I didn’t. I don’t think it could be GoDaddy because my MX live updates don’t stop. And those 2 use different FTP accounts. I just started noticing these stoppages about 2 days ago.

Maybe a different problem to Dotty, but do you have “Kill process and restart” checked as well as “Restart”? Leaves a bunch of dead icons in the system tray, but you just h(o)over them up.

On the main WD page, I can see it pulling "data received", those counters keep going.

That’s nothing to do with FTP, that’s WD getting data from your station.

Where is the “Kill process and restart” and Restart options?

My point was just that the main WD program is running. It’s just he real time client FTP stopping.

I think I found those. Web Files/Web page Setup. Real Time Client FTP tab. I did have restart/reset set to 30 minutes. I changed that to 5. I did not have Kill process and restart if failed uploads. So I checked that to enable it.

We’ll see if that helps. Thanks for those tips.

Sorry to hijack your thread Dotty. Thought they may be related.

No worries, I might give that a try anyway, you never know lol.

Just remembered there is a WD FTP timeout setting on the Main Internet page (Control Panel > FTP & Connections > Connections tab).

Might be worth trying. . .

Hi Bitsostring, thank you. Yeah I have tried that numerous times, I’ve set it to 0 and increased it to 120 but it still kept doing it. I’ve made sure my firewall is allowing the app. I’ve renewed the ip. I’m running out of ideas.

With the help of my web host I think I’ve found the problem, when doing the scheduled upload its sending it to a different IP address than to the IP address my website uses. I don’t know how to change the IP address in the FTP program, I don’t know if its something they can do their end or something I have to do in WD?

Why does the log say “do2ndserverupload”? Do you have different server settings for webcam/realtimeftp/second server uploads?

Hi yeah I do have my webcam image uploading to Wunderground too. Actually looking at it, is it trying to send everything there? Maybe that’s where the problem is, I will look in the morning.

WU stopped hosting webcams a long time ago. . . See http://discourse.weather-watch.com/p/556857

Maybe that’s why it’s timing out?

Yessss well spotted all sorted! I’ve disabled the 2nd server and its all working fine now! Got there in the end. I had to install WD on a new pc as my other one was playing up and wouldn’t start up. I keep back up on a usb stick but obviously it hadn’t been updated since they closed it down. I’m back in business, thank you all so much for your help :smiley:
Case closed :wink: