Anyone help me out please why my FreshWDL page displays incorrectly (see below pic)
I have not changed anything in weeks but all of a sudden I am getting the below.
Anyone help me out please why my FreshWDL page displays incorrectly (see below pic)
I have not changed anything in weeks but all of a sudden I am getting the below.
Is the issue still happening, and if so, on what browser?
I can’t replicate it.
Hi Yerren
Thank you for looking. I have found what has caused it but no idea how to fix it.
I rebuilt both my html and config file from scratch adding in one piece at a time, like page colour, stat counter, etc.
What has caused the issue is the below
temperature: {
title: " Outdoor "
temperature02: {
enabled: true,
title: “Indoor”,
input: “indoor”,
highLowEnabled: true
When I remove above lines from the config file it all goes again which is what you saw with the working version when you went to look at the page.
Funny thing is I have had indoor temp and high low of the indoor temp running for many weeks and it worked fine up until this arvo. Now in the interim I cant have the indoor temp going as it causes the page to load like in the screenshot in my first post
Oh and it affected all browsers from Chrome, Firefox, and Edge
The below is my old config file
/*jslint plusplus: true, sloppy: true, indent: 4 */
//Ajust these values to your liking.
var clientRawName = “clientraw.txt”, //The names of your clientraw files
clientRawExtraName = “clientrawextra.txt”,
clientRawHourName = “clientrawhour.txt”,
clientRawDailyName = “clientrawdaily.txt”,
lang = “en”, //Set Language. To see what lanuages are currently supported, see the readme file at: FreshWDL/ at master · Yerren/FreshWDL · GitHub
customBaseURL = false, // OPTIONAL: Set the path to where your clientraw files are uploaded e.g., “” (note: final backslash and quotation marks must be included). Otherwise leave as: false
currentUnits = { //Default units (what the page will display when first loaded)
pressure: “hPa”, //Options: “hPa” “mmHG” “kPa” “inHg” “mb”
altitude: “m”, //Options: “m” “yds” “ft”
wind: “kmh”, //Options: “kmh” “mph” “kts” “ms” “mm” “inch”
rainfall: “mm”, //Options: “mm” “inch”
windDirection: “deg”, //Options: “deg” (only one)
humidity: “percent”, //Options: “percent” (only one)
solar: “Wm”, //Options: “Wm” (only one)
uv: “noUnit”, //Options: no units for UV
temp: “celsius” //Options: “celsius” “fahrenheit”
gaugeSettings = { //Gauges: apparent temperature barometer windChill graphHandlerBarometer graphHandlerRainfall graphHandlerTemperature graphHandlerWindSpeed humidity moonSun solar status rainfallTitle rainfallDay rainfallMonth rainfallYear UV windDirection windSpeed
solar: {
enabled: false
UV: {
enabled: false
windChill: {
mode: “windchill”, //The default mode, either “heatIndex” or “windchill” (note: lowercase c)
autoSwitch: true //If true, will switch between heat index/wind chill depending on what is appropriate.
temperature: {
title: “Outdoor Temperature”
temperature02: {
enabled: true,
title: “Indoor Temperature”,
input: “indoor”,
highLowEnabled: true
Hmmmmmm now that is weird…it has corrected itself.
I’ve found that when making changes to the config.js file, there is a delay (last one was a couple of hours) before takes effect. Whether it is my hosting service or something that doesn’t get re-read when refreshing the web page.
If you clear the cache on your pc it should take affect immediately. If you use chrome hold down the Ctrl button and click the refresh button on the chrome browser that clears the cache on your pc on the site you are refreshing.