Forum Tags - Finding posts with specific tags

There are a few ways to find topics that have a specific, or multiple tags. Each way is described below.

Select using the tag drop down at the top of the page

At the top of every category page there is a tag menu, e.g. for the “Ask a Question” category it looks like this…

Click the ‘tags’ menu and it will drop down to allow you to select a tag…

As you start typing characters the list will be filtered to display tags that contain those characters, e.g. typing ‘wd’ would display “wd”, “wd-windows”, wd-linux" and “wd-mac” (and possibly others).

When you can see the tag you want, either highlight it and press Enter or click on it with the mouse. The list of topics will then change to display only topics that have that tag.

This method only allows you to select on one tag.

Select using the tag list in the side bar

The side bar (left hand side) has a TAGS section, e.g.

This lists a selection of tags, e.g. freshwdl, pws-dashboard, rabbit-hole, etc, and ‘All tags’ which will display the full tags list. If you click on a tag displayed in the side bar, the list of topics displayed will change to just those with that tag. Any category setting already selected and Latest/New/Top selections will still apply.

This method also only allows you to select a single tag.

Select using the All Tags list

To display the All Tags list either click on “All Tags” in the side bar or use this URL. The all tags list looks like this…

Click on a tag to select it. You will be returned to the category display with topics displaying that have that tag.

This method also only allows you to select a single tag.

Select using Advanced Search/Filters

This is the most powerful method, because you can select multiple tags, as well as searching for other words and use advanced filters.

First, click the search icon (magnifying glass in the top right of the page)…

This will display the search fields and your most recent searches. Click the icon highlighted in yellow to display the main search page. Click on the Advanced Filters link to display the advanced search page…

To search using tags, click the ‘+’ icon in the Tagged section to display the tag selection menu.
As you start typing characters the list will be filtered to display tags that contain those characters, e.g. typing ‘wd’ would display “wd”, “wd-windows”, wd-linux" and “wd-mac” (and possibly others).

When you can see the tag you want, either highlight it and press Enter or click on it with the mouse. Unlike the methods above, you can select multiple tags here. After selecting your first tag, start to type again and press Enter/click on a tag to select a second, and subsequent tag.

Tags selected here are treated as OR, e.g. select all posts that have any of the tags “wd” or “davis” or “pws-dashboard”. If you tick the “All the above tags” box the tags will be treated as AND, e.g. select only posts that have all three of the tags “wd” and “davis” and “pws-dashboard”.

On this advanced search page you can also add other words into the Search field at the top of the page, e.g. “solar”.

There are other advanced filters that you can use but these aren’t described here.

When you’ve entered your search word(s) and selected one or more tags, click the Search button…

This will display the results of the search, e.g.

If you want to refine your search further you can change the options at the top of the search results page and click the Search button again.