I’ve been notified that the forum server and another of my 3 servers will be affected by ‘urgent’ work on two hosting company routers between 03:30 and 05:30 UTC on 26th November.
This is classed as ‘urgent’ work, although if it’s urgent I’m not sure why it’s planned for a month in the future.
Unfortunately I don’t currently understand how this work will affect the servers. It may just be external connectivity is lost which may have little impact as the servers should just route all traffic via the unaffected third server.
If it affects the inter-server private network then it will be interesting to see how the servers respond!
The three servers act together as a cluster and I’m not sure what will happen when connectivity is restored after being lost between all three at the same time. Technically losing a single server from the 3 should be OK but all three losing their connections to the other servers is an unknown (for me)
Ideally I should shut the servers down gracefully before 03:30 and restart them when connectivity is restored. I could automate a shutdown at 03:00 but there’s no way to automate a restart. That would mean the servers would all stay offline until I have a chance to start them which could be 09:00-10:00 depending on our plans for the day.