Forum email problem

I’ve got a problem with forum emails not being delivered at the moment. I don’t know if it’s all emails or just a selection. I’m investigating the problem and hopefully normal service will be resumed shortly.

I got 5 (all UWC) for this post :slightly_smiling_face:

I can understand why that might be happening but unfortunately that repetition doesn’t give me any clues to help find the cause of the problem.

I’ve just seen that there’s a critical Discourse upgrade needed so I’m going to apply that first to see that’s related to this problem.

The upgrade hasn’t helped. It looks like mail is being delivered but the delivery status isn’t getting fed back so the system re-sends the email. Off to visit the log files…wish me luck!

Fingers crossed - I think I’ve fixed it. I think an upgrade to the mail server container was automatically applied which caused it not to start up with the correct environment settings. I’ve fixed that and a quick test message no longer gives the error message I was seeing. This post should trigger a number of emails to be sent so I should have a much better idea if it’s really fixed after I send this.

No errors and no mail tasks stuck in the background queue so I’m calling this fixed.

computer GIF

Well, I only got one e-mail for this post :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s 500% fixed then!