The second part of the changes is now in place. There have been a couple of boards renamed and the way that we’d like them to be used has changed a little…
Weather Display Questions has become Weather Display Usage Questions - This board is to ask questions about how to use WD/WD features. If you’re having problems with WD then ask here first before reporting it as a problem, it’s possible that problems can be resolved with a question first, e.g. rather than saying “WD is broken - this doesn’t work” it would be better to post a question saying “I’m trying to make ‘X’ work but I can’t get it to work. Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong or offer advice on how to get it working?”
Weather Display Bug Reports has become Weather Display Problems - This is to reflect the fact that some things reported in the board in the past haven’t been bugs and are just misunderstandings about how WD works. It it recommended that before you report a problem in this board that you ask a question about it in ‘Weather Display Usage Questions’ to check that you’re using the feature in the correct way.
Weather Display Feature Suggestions remains as is. The board description has been changed to remind people that putting a suggestion in doesn’t mean that anything will happen with it, and that prioritisation of adding new features/making mods to WD lies completely with Brian. If he has time and a mod is likely to be used by many people then he will probably try to add it. If he’s busy and a mod is likely to be used by only one or two users then it might never get made.
Users are allowed to move topics between boards, e.g. if you’ve posted a question in ‘Usage Questions’ and it becomes apparent that you are using a feature correctly but it’s not behaving as you and others expect, then you can move your own topic thread to the Problems board. Equally if you’ve posted what you thought was a problem in ‘Problems’ but you think that it’s actually a misunderstanding about how WD works then you can move it to the Usage Questions board to discuss it further.