Where can i change the names of the nights? The night after a day is …night .
monday evening → monday night - tuesday morning and not monday evening → tuesday night → tuesday morning… Tuesday night is between tuesday an Wednesday
Als ‘namiddag’ must be middag…
i use the Yr.no for my weather predictions
Can you please test this “user” adepted version?
fct_yrno_block.php.zip (3.1 KB)
Still the same… monday evening → tuesday night and not monday night
But the script was not unzipped and uploaded to your website.
Line 1 shows the old version:
$scrpt_vrsn_dt = ‘fct_yrno_block.php|01|2022-03-28|’; # overflow +
Unzip and check the first line, it should read
$scrpt_vrsn_dt = ‘fct_yrno_block.php|09|2024-08-19|’; # user night prev day
Then upload the new version and replace the old version.
Just reminded me we had this discussion before
Yes, you can and should.
It is about how one wants it, what the right wording is.
I am a programmer. But as a person, for me the “night” starts after 18:00 and ends around 06:00
The first part is called the evening, the last part has the same name as the total period, night.
But to what day it belongs, I am confused.
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Great job much better now
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