Forecast anomaly? - cast your vote

What happened to Thursday night (forecast.png)? Days seem to go night, morning, afternoon, evening (forecast2.png) :?

1 day = 24 hours.
A day start at 00:00 hours and end at 23:59
A morning and afternoon never have any discussion, they are nicely tucked around the mid (12:00) of the day.

Now: do we all call the period 00:00 → 06:00 the night => yes.

2020-10-15 is Thursday => yes
2020-10-15 18:00 → 23:59 is Thursday evening => yes, everybody agree

2020-10-16 is Friday => yes, still the vote is unanimously
2020-10-16 00:00 → 06:00 is ??? night.

It is strictly localised if we call this Thursday or Friday night.

And yes, I was so tired of the discussion that I added a setting for that in the Leuven forecast scripts.

Do I really have to do that for the Dashboard also?


Sorry to re-open an old discussion, it just looked strange :slight_smile:

But I can’t vote on this, I’m not using this version. . .

Yes, you can and should.
It is about how one wants it, what the right wording is.

I am a programmer. But as a person, for me the “night” starts after 18:00 and ends around 06:00
The first part is called the evening, the last part has the same name as the total period, night.

But to what day it belongs, I am confused.



I am a programmer. But as a person, for me the "night" starts after 18:00 and ends around 06:00

Agreed: roughly sunset to sunrise. But the evening is a strange animal: Wikipedia says it is the time between the end of the afternoon and the beginning of night (which is probably dusk, in that case). But we all think evening begins when the sun is still above the horizon, don’t we? :?

And tonight will actually begin for me when I go to bed - after reading the rain gauge at midnight :slight_smile:

Those are early morning hours. A salutation to go with it is “good morning”… early morning, but still morning.
A full calendar day ends at 23:59:59… the next day starts at 00:00:00 and that’s when the morning starts. Of course depending on geographic location (latitude) and season, the actual length of lighting/brightness in the sky varies. This does not change the length of a day… we still have 24 hours/day.