I am doing a revision of my WXSIM forecast schedule and working on the “First of the day”
I have WXSIMATE scheduled to run by itself, (without WXSIM-LITE and WXSIM)
and then scheduling the WXSIM-LITE ANALYSIS and finally AUTOLEARN.
My Question is how much of a time space should be between each of those processes?
I suspect that WXSIMATE would process relatively fast, (within 5 minutes)
and the WXSIM-LITE ANALYSIS would be based on the number of forecast files, (according to my CORREC.txt file, it goes back to 2019). would 30 minutes be appropriate?
and lastly AUTOLEARN, which I really don’t know how long its process time takes.
I would like to have all three of the processes be completed in the 1 AM hour in order to accommodate my first regular forecast run in the 2AM hour.
At this point, I am not sure that is even feasible.
Any information is greatly appreciated.