First Custom Screen Experience

I thought I’d share my first custom screen experience which didn’t go as smoothly as I had hoped but did finally result in success. Probably no bugs here just my hit or miss experiences in lieu of detailed documentation.

When I initally got everything placed and I was “done”, I did a Save and closed the box. I then realized I wanted to change something and reopened the screen. To my shock, only the background image was still in proper position. Everything from the middle of the screen to the right edge was now placed from the left edge of the screen to the middle and everything that was on the left half of the screen had vanished.

I moved everything visible back where I wanted it but could not get the vanished objects back. My theory was that they were off the left side of the screen where I could not see them or get them back. I decided to explore and see if I could find where WD saves these settings. My first guess was correct. All the entries for the custom screen are located near the bottom of text file c:\windows\WDISPLAY.INI.

Very nice.

What version of WD are you using. There have been a lot of changes in this area recently and some of your issues may be due to that.

VWS does have very nice looking gauges and dials.

Also note, that you could make the site location of your site part of the background graphic so that it looks the way you want it to.

I am not running the very latest version of WD so cannot confirm if Brian has done this yet, but the issue over ticks not appearing for allocated tags was still on his list of things to sort out.

I did recognize it instantly :slight_smile: I really liked that aspect of VWS so that is what I used a Custom screen for as well, except I didn’t try to emulate the layout, which you did a very admirable job of…

I am in the process of resizing some additional background images to match the original so i can switch them occasiomally…

Very Good looking…
