Greetings. After many hours, I can’t think of any more ideas on how to resolve this problem. Thanks for looking and your help.
I am working on my father in laws machine (wb1fye), I am Jason n1iic.
He had 10.16, and it uploads every 5 minutes. The upload times ending in 5 work great, this is when the “FTP file upload” and the APRS data runs.
The uploads on the tens have a problem. When ftpupd does its thing it handles the APRS and email fine, but when trying to process the “2nd server grouped upload #2”, it goes into a “file not found” infinite loop into and it does not close.
If the upload all now button is pressed in the FTP/Internet Setup> Web files Upload times, it handles “APRS data sending now…” and “FTP upload of files”, but when it gets to “2nd server grouped upload #2” it loops into “there are 1 more things to do” and FTPUPD locks up.
I tried to disable all to do with anything other than the server settings in FTP/internet setup>Connections with no luck.
I confirmed all the files in ‘Customize internet file creation and upload> Internet File Settings’ with the webfiles directory, and they are there. The override is off, but I thought this might give a reference to what the program is looking for.
I then backed up and viewed the registry entries for WD and found that the files for the 2nd server had a double slash- “c:\weatherdisplay\webfiles.…”. I made them single slashes, restored the reg file with no luck.
I could not get the ftp server information to clear in ‘Customize internet file creation and upload> Internet File Settings’ if I cleared the data from the fields. I had to manually clear it from the registry. Guess what? Still no luck. =]
I installed 10.18d with no new results other than the new program.
I couldn’t find any help in the FAQ or the forums, so I hop someone can shed some light on this.