Feedback on Mac version 10.37i (June 24th)

Wow, another tool in the arsenal for this noobie. Thanks! That may be the answer to my interim issues.

The runaway cpu issue is settled right down and has been ever since I made the settings changes, but as long as I can get the clientraw.txt and associated files as well as a couple of those really nice screens in the folder, as I am doing now, that combined with what I am seeing in the template should do really well for my needs. I haven’t begun anything with mySql, but intend to as well. Should be up and running in the next week or so.

Thanks for all your help guys.

jmar, there is a new update, fixes the data colour start up problem
(occured when the data font was changed)

Thanks much Brian, I got it. BTW, things seem to be much ,more stable lately. I have been running around the clock all week, and only times I run into cpu issues seems to be when I am playing around too much (and maybe too quickly) in the control panel.

I still have to kickstart uploading to the web directory whenever I start the program, with web page files. However I notice that clientraw.txt and associated data files start automatically… only the web page files seem to be affected.


I still have to kickstart uploading to the web directory whenever I start the program, with web page files. However I notice that clientraw.txt and associated data files start automatically... only the web page files seem to be affected.
if you could .zip and email me your settings files, I will have a look (but I am away the next 2 days)

Brian, Which setting file do you want me to send you?

the WDISPLAY.INI and wdisplayftp.ini files from the MacOS folder


for when Brian asks for your settings files…

i have the view, Ftp log working now (shows latest ftplogfull.txt )
in the latest update :wink:

Every 4th day, just after midnight, the program crashes. It did that last Thursday morning (10th), and now it did that last evening. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to restart things until I get home on Friday of this week.

I suppose this has something to do with the 24, 48, 72 hour graph creation, or perhaps the Local Climatological Data upload.

I’ll get the latest update when I return home.

Appears to be working, showing my clientraw ftp being sent. Thats the only file I ftp so perhaps someone who uploads more files can report their results.

I fixed the listbox out of range error
which now makes the dailynoaareport.htm work now
also I made a change that should fix the crash after a few days, hopefully
latest update

I don’t know if I need to use the Noaa for anything, do i? I see that a number of updates happened. Could you post release notes somewhere when you update the code?

Windy, btw… The colors are all right (backgrounds to the labels) when I start the program now, and also I notice that in the past week, after I installed the updates ( 3 in one week? kudos) I notice that the internet/web files are automagically updating/uploading to the web directory when I start the program without any input from me! Excellent! That was a big issue here until the past week, so whatever you did, thanks!

Things are much more stable, the only of the original functional issues I really see in the program is these access violations (which seem to be coinciding with runaway cpu when they happen)

Thanks for all you are doing on this mac port.

I notice that the internet/web files are automagically updating/uploading to the web directory when I start the program without any input from me! Excellent! That was a big issue here until the past week, so whatever you did, thanks!

well I didnt directly find the problem, but another fix must have fixed that problem…so thats good

Thanks for all you are doing on this mac port.
always nice to get nice feedback , thanks!