Hi Brian
The temperature part of the real time graph for extra sensors has gone off the scale on both 9.98a and b beta versions when you run the mouse across the graph i get temp readings in thousands instead of 10 or 20 deg C depending on the sensor i tried this on my laptop computer using bath beta versions not ok and 9.97h which showed graph ok log file ok in all
Main unit has WD beta 9.98a on which i am testing the moon out on and this is the one that uploads to web page hourly (this was how i spotted it)
i did make a change there
(but its Ok for my soil temperature reading on my extras sensor real time graph)
the setup button on the extra sensor real time graph
and then set the mimium temperature scale for that sensor line
try that
Have now put 9.98f on main unit and is working ok dispite it clearing records but this was due to reaching its 5000 records limit so im happy on this one.
i have noticed that the record count is not counting on the real time graphs versions F and G beta’s, only changes when restarted only tried G otherwise graph seem ok