A small set of European weather charts and satellite images have been added to the Weather-Watch.com site. The current selection is provided as a proof of concept and a larger selection will be developed and made available as more time is available. The charts and images are accessible from the Weather section of the site menu.
The weather charts are created using Digital Atmosphere Workstation http://www.weathergraphics.com/da/index.htm and data from a number of sources. The Sferics charts are created and uploaded every hour and the frontal system charts are created and uploaded every 6 hours.
The MeteoSat images are created from master images downloaded from the Dundee University Satellite Receiving Station http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/pdus.html and processed into the uploaded images using GeoSatSignal (one of a range of utilities written by David Taylor (GM8ARV) at http://www.satsignal.net/
Finally, please don’t link directly to these images from your own web site. You are welcome to take a copy of any image and upload it to your own web site to be delivered using your own bandwidth. Mechanisms are in place to prevent direct linking.
WARNING - The page containing the satellite images is fairly large (800k), so will be slow to download by dial-up users. Thumbnails with links to the larger images will be provided soon.