ESP32-based “Arduino IoT Weather Station” with Arduino IoT Cloud integration

Sparkfun IoT weather station

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I have that :blush:

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Does it work well?

I see it integrates with a cloud service. Does that create a public web page that shows your data?

Well… Actually sensors are improved compared to the previous version of SparkFun Weather Meters. But I liked previous SparkFun Weather Meters a lot compared to this. Because it has GPIO ports and I was able to put more sensors on it.

In this photo I set this up for my friend. He saw from me and he wanted too on his roof :slight_smile: I have previous SparkFun Weather Meters. The hardware is Arduino Uno + Raspberry Pi 3 with software Weather Display linux version.

I’m not sure but free version of Arduino Cloud was serve the dashboard only for you. You can make it public on Premium version. I heard it from my friend like that. But he is happy with it.

It’s good to know it works with Weather Display.

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Weather Display is amazing!

I’m the number one fan of Weather Display in Turkey :sunglasses: :tr:

Thanks for such an awesome software!

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I’m not the Weather Display author. That’s Brian Hamilton who lives in New Zealand.

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I just want it to say from here :hugs: