Error temperature

Good afternoon. I have had wxsim stopped for 2 months due to a change of computer. Now that I have restored backups, when I run wxsim again, it gives me some erroneous data. The forecast for 5 days is correct, except for the temperature for the first few hours of the data; for the second day it works fine until the end. I have just read that there have been a few days with errors, but I don’t know if this problem is still affected by this temperature error that I am getting. What do I have to do so that the temperature in its first data is correct?

Ferran Delriu

The GFS/ECMWF problems were resolved a couple of weeks ago so won’t be affecting your current runs. The temperature at the start of your runs is most likely affected by the temperature from your weather station, so check that’s correct and also that the station and WxSim are using the same temperature units. For example, if the station is giving the temperature in degF and WxSim is expecting degC then that would be a massive difference.

The data sent by the Davis Vantage Plus is correct. I have verified what it receives and both are in centigrade ranges. I am attaching a graph. As you can see at the beginning of the graph, it starts from a value of 25/30 degrees, to then stabilise at the correct values. This is the problem I have.

I need help! Can someone shed some light on what the problem I described above could be? I wrote to Tom a few days ago but he must be busy. Help!!

Ferran Delriu

It would be worth trying a few manual runs of WxSim where you change different things, e.g. a run without any station data being used and, if you’re mixing GFS/ECMWF data, a run with 0/100% mix and another one with 100/0% mix. It won’t tell you how to fix it, but it might give an idea of where to look in more detail.

OK, checked. I removed the local data file and the model execution went perfectly. I see that this first data of temperature and wind are local. In any case, I don’t understand it. This station is a Davis Vantage Pro and has been in service for more than 15 years without having modified anything. It’s as if it reads incorrect data, but on the wxsimate screen all the values ​​of the last reading are correct. Can you think of the cause?

Ferran Delriu

I don’t know what the cause is. If the data (date/time/values) in WxSimate match the date/time/values from your station then it seems that for some reason WxSim is using those values incorrectly. I think it probably needs input from Tom to try to work out what’s happening. He’s probably busy with school right now, but maybe he’ll look in soon.

PS. Are you using the latest versions of the WxSim software?

The local info used comes from the log files on the software you use to get the data from your vantage pro
Have you full log files for all the time that wxsim was not running or was that off as well

This is the content of the last reading of the file obtained from the station, I don’t know in what format the values ​​are

This error already occurred to me with the previous version, and two days ago I updated to the latest versions but the error remains the same.

What software are you using to get the data from the station

The data is complete for the last 3 years. But the error is in the first value of the graph, giving values ​​for example of temperature 28 degrees when there are actually 11. With the wind something similar is only the first value.

wheaterlink, this has been working fine with wxsim for 3 years now. The error started only recently.

Then you need to be looking at the weatherlink data for errors in weatherlink software 6.0.5 if it’s that you use or the weatherlink website if the data is uploaded to that

The software is the same version, nothing has changed, and the correct values ​​appear on the wxsimate screen.

The locallog.txt will confirm that
Now from memory there was the odd case of high wind values in wxsim so may be a similar issue
Try a search in the wxsim section on the forum

It is seems quite natural that WXSIM generates a forecast starting with the current measured temp-wind values as its first forecast.

If the current temp reported to wxsim is 10 degrees higher (or in F ) as the real temperature it will take a few lines in the lastret.txt or latest.csv to flatten out that to high forecast.

The cumulus user from the above link had a decimal-comma versus decimal-point problem and temps as 1,4 were used as 14 .

Other users had a stalled current file which also can give a large difference between real current temp/wind and the values which WXSIM uses as a start.

As the OP explained in its first post, there was an inactive period and a new computer-install so there be another stalled file causing this.


I don’t think this is the case, there are no stagnant files here, and I don’t see that it’s a decimal issue. whaterlink has been working without problems for years, and there have been no changes, modifications or alterations in any of the processes. Does anyone know how to interpret the values ​​that wxsimate saves as local information? :


I am attaching two images, generated right now. It is a grey day today and it is raining all day. The temperature at 13h is 12.3 as reflected in the data, but from here on, as you can see, it starts to rise until it reaches almost 28 degrees, a totally erroneous figure for a rainy February. Then it goes down again and returns to normal. The graph shows this peak at the beginning and then the expected (normal) curve for the next few days.
What explanation do you give for this behaviour?