error message in VVP

I got this error messages all time. What to do?

20:22:55:306 Warning - Weather Display: Socket error: Socket descriptor is (1) not a socket, or (2) is of wrong type (10038)
20:22:57:319 PreCondition - TVirtualVp.ReceiveLoop: PreCondition 1 failed

VVP status screen displays that WD last heard 52 min and more …

Did something wrong. It`s working great now.

So, problem solved.

I heard that it`s better and faster to use TCP/IP instead of COM settings (communication settings)

Is it faster and more stable then the COM settings.

When I use the TCP/IP settings I got the error message. (see my first message in this topic)
Now Im using COM port settings and dont have problems.

What`s the best?
