Error_log file give errors in the file "PWS_quakes_load.php"

For some time now I have again received error messages in the error_log file regarding “PWS_quakes_load.php” on line 59.
“Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, null given in /home/meteocul/public_html/pwsWD/PWS_quakes_load.php:59”.
I remember that I had this also so around a year back (could not find it again in this forum) and after an adjustment by Wim this also disappeared, but now it seems to be back.
Not a big problem in itself, but it keeps coming up now and then, see error log file.

Greetings Arie (561 Bytes)

Please test attached version (2.7 KB)


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Thanks Wim.
Replaced the file with the new one, will share the result.
It may take a while, the problem happened every now and then, so not every day.

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I’m getting the same errors. Not all the time, random times. Will try the new one. I’ll let you know if the errors return.
Thanks for the fun!

Now after a week I still haven’t seen any errors, so the problem seems to have been resolved for me.
Don’t know how the others are doing?

Greetings Arie