Hello forum
I have a two webserver setup:
Site 1:
I have there the following files there rawclient.txt, the swf xml and index.html files and if I connect everything works very nicely.
There I have the same swf file and index.html except I have renamed it to livewd.html .
When I connect to this site I eventually get Error Loading configuration.
(ver 1.04 evaluation)
there is a thread in licensing that also covers this issue
i.e the xml and clientraw.txt files needs to be on the same domain (i.e server) as the swf and .html file
(from what I understand)
i know someone else has this same issue.
one way around it would for me to create a simple program that grabs (using HTTP get) the clientraw.txt file from the server where it resides, and then ftp it to the server where you want the WDL to be hosted (and your register that server(domain))…that way you could even show on your web site live, someone elses weather data (but you would be best to get permission from them first!)
I just found the answer in another thread, you have to alle the files in the same domain.