End of GFS data?

I’m guessing that the US election result means that we’ll lose GFS data some time after January?

Along with NATO… :frowning:

Not good for us but I suspect there will be worse consequences to come in January!


I agree, but I was trying to stay more or less on-topic for the forum.

I hate to see this forum turned political, especially by folks who are not even US citizens. More than half the US is elated today at the changes that will be coming in January. And, to those who brought politics into this forum, please stop.


I started the thread and it’s my forum so I can choose to say what I want on it and also choose whether to keep or delete content others post on it.

Do you really think/believe the changes that are coming in January will only affect America?

I commented on a campaign promise to shut down NWS. Another person commented on a campaign promise for the US to leave NATO. Both of those things affect non-US citizens. There are numerous other ‘promises’ that are concerning to citizens of the world and as we can’t vote on them all we can do is comment.

If comments about such things upset you and spoil your elation then perhaps you’d be better off not using the forum?

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And this is why I asked for politics not to be allowed so as to ruin a great forum. I don’t where you get your information about US politics, but I’ve never heard or seen anything about a campaign promise to shutdown the NWS or for the US to leave NATO. Both of those things are absurd. As you’re probably aware, the mainstream media in the US is horribly biased towards conservatives and people who think for themselves. The democratic party thinks so little of over half the country that just last week, the outgoing president referred to us as “garbage”. And, unfortunately, your threat to delete posts is the same methodology the current US administration uses against people that disagree. It’s called ‘lawfare’, using a position of authority to silence voices it disagrees with.

So, yes, it’s your forum and you can exercise ‘lawfare’ and ban me and delete my posts, or allow “free speech” and keep it a place where the discussion remains on topic and politics free.


I didn’t say anything about banning people or deleting posts to silence people. Have I deleted your posts or hidden them in some way? This isn’t Twitter where if you don’t follow the Cult of Musk then the algorithm boots your posts into oblivion.

What I did say was…

This is my forum. I set the rule about no politics way back (20+ years ago). Given current circumstances I chose to change that rule. I may change my mind once again.

I also said that if you don’t like what people are saying here, and none of it has been as offensive as many things said during the election campaign, then it’s your choice to be a member here. I’m not forcing you to visit, nor banning you to keep you away.

I think most people who think for ourselves are well aware that the US media is biased towards conservatives. The main media sources are owned by some of the richest people in the world who have a particular desire to allow some information to be downplayed/hidden and other information/misinformation to be amplified to put them in a regulatory environment where they can extract even more riches from those who have much less than they do. Is that the lawfare that you were talking about in action?

Those of us who think for ourselves see that happening and use other sources of information that aren’t tainted by oligarchs defining editorial policy or foreign bad actors spreading misinformation. That’s not just a US issue…the UK Brexit vote was equally tainted by the rich and foreign bad actors.

If you do a little research of your own you’ll find references to NWS/NOAA being shut down because their comments about climate change offend the rich fossil fuel owners who fund various politicians. Look for Heritage Foundation Project 2025 - see who the main players are in it and what political connections they have. It’s the blueprint for the 180 days that start in January.

First, you set the rule about no politics for everyone. Then you change your mind so that you can comment on the political climate. Twice you have pointed out that it’s your forum and you can do what you want. You went so far as to state that you will choose whether to keep or delete content others post. With all due respect, you sound like a kid on the playground who gets mad so it grabs the ball everyone is playing with and goes running home with it, because it’s his. I am absolutely certain that isn’t the impression you were going for.

All of your points are fair and obviously true but while I may, or may not agree with the things you say I for one will not be dragged into a semi-political discussion, and this is. There are two subjects that I try to avoid with people I do not know. Politics and Religion. I completely respect everyone’s opinions and beliefs on both, evey if they conflict with mine but I don’t think that rumors are worth all of the hype and certainly not worth trashing the good relationships that have been forged through this forum. Maybe it’s time to stop.


And this is one of the reasons Trump was elected.

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As I have always said. Saying I can do something and doing it are two different things. I have only ever deleted messages for three reasons as far as I recall:

  1. Spam posts
  2. Broken posts
  3. Offensive posts

If anyone can recall when I’ve done something other than that please remind me.

Since you went there, I’ll leave one more comment and I’m done with this discussion.

Project 2025 was NEVER part of the Republican platform, nor was it ever part of the Trump campaign. The MSM regularly tried to tie Project 2025 to Trump, but he disavowed it throughout his campaign. I don’t know much about what it contains, but there things in it I would totally agree with. I looked into for references about NWS being shutdown. It calls for an overhaul and restructuring of all of NOAA, including some parts being privatized. This should happen in NOAA as well as throughout all agencies with the US government. They have all become bloated and too expensive. We can no longer afford a government as wasteful and unproductive as ours has become.

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I’m taking this option. I won’t delete my account as it will remove all my posts, but I won’t be back. Should have left the politics out of weather discussions.


Funny, you hate to see the forum turn political, yet you totally escalated the whole discussion of it. The original post just objectively stated the high probability that if overhauls of US weather agencies happen, your old-new real-estate bully of a president will probably not want to give anyone data for free.

And it’s funny to come to a forum and automatically assume it’s American and berate the British owner for voicing a concern about political decisions influencing global data sharing “because he’s not a US citizen”. :smiley:

Anyway… Half of the USA is elated at the idea they thought they elected. Just like UK opinions changed drastically after Brexit, not everyone will stay happy about their choice if Trump runs around doing the mostly idiotic things he talked about in his rambles. Afterall, he ran on “making America great”, but the global economic situation is what it is and if experts don’t think deporting millions of people will suddenly solve the housing crisis and crime, then I’m not gonna beleive it from some rich inheritance man-baby who can’t even form a coherent sentence.

Also, talking about free speech and kids on playgrounds is really rich, seeing as what Trump and his great friend Musk are doing. They take the cake for childishness, making entirely new or hijacked social media and calling them best and greatest because they are triggered by what other people say.

I’m out of my place and completely off topic, but man this riles me up. Just delete this if it’s too much.