I’m not advertising, but I recommend the Ecowitt HP-10 camera that I recently purchased and which I think is convenient for the price of $39.99 USD.
This is a weather station camera.
Picture hosting on www.ecowitt.net with time elapsed video for easier state checking is possible.
HTTP GET command for taking picture is available.
www.ecowitt.net organizes the received picture for the current day, and if the time is over 24hrs, it will generate a time lapsed video for easier access (But no more than 7 days on the ecowitt server).
HTTP GET command supported when device IP address is obtained.
IP66 Waterproof.
I integrated it in the menu on the page
Independence can be seen here: https://www.celinmeteo.com/wdisplay/pws2024-12-01-Ecowitt/ecowitt_cam.html