We hooked up our new weather station the other night, got it all working and had it sitting on the table in place of our umbrella. Seemed like a safe spot for the moment. Everything seemed to be working fine, got the display unit all set up. I checked the software history data the next day and everything seemed to be working well, so I thought today we would put it up on the roof. We get it all hooked up and positioned correctly and now for some reason the outdoor humidity % on the display unit doesn’t work. Just two lines. I checked the software history data and it seems also the dewpoint isn’t working either. All this started the moment we hooked it up on our roof according to the software history data.
We have since taken it down and checked it over and everything seems to be fine. What could have gone wrong? There is no where we can return the unit to or take it in to get fixed considering we purchased it online. No company website except this forum. So I guess if you can’t help me I’m out of luck and a $120 dollars out of pocket.
Does anyone have any suggestions?