Download 9.94?


I notice that the download page has Weather Display 9.94 to download, I notice that the date of the files keeps changing.

Does this mean a new variants of 9.94. I notice there is no letter after 9.94.

Forcast Icon still does not match my WMR928N.

Hi Dave

Yes it does. As Brian continues to work on the program he updates to the web sometimes 2 to 3 times a day as he fixes minor bugs. Normally when he does this under the same version there is normally not a difference that we would notice, he is just refining things. I have seen a version stay the same for a week or more, particularly when Brians farm work is demanding, calving etc…

If a significant change is made, then he will change the version.

I see the changes as you do and will update my system 2 time a day.


yeah, i am just making small improvements as time permits
i am working on the forecast icon with someone else…it will take time to gather all the numbers…(it looks like the newer wmr968/28 stations have a different set of codes than the original wmr918 station)
so yes, feel free to keep up…and report any problems…

i have a cowshed inspections on monday, need to do some tidying up
also enjoying sunshine after 6 weeks of stormy spring weather (the worst since 1967…very wet…some farmers are near suicidal)