Does PWS Use Highcharts

Probably a silly question - does PWS use Highcharts as they have changed their conditions and every user needs a license

Most PWS_Dashboard websites do not load or use HighCharts.

The graphs for the temp/wind a.s.o. use canvas.js for which I have an old valid licence for the old version in the download.
That means you can not upgrade to a newer release of canvas.js but why should one do that as long as it works OK. I will have to pay for an upgrade if it will be necessary in the future.

In the standard download, there are no other pages with graphs.
Result: less than 3% of the 2012_lts users is using the forecast graphs.

But if you switched to the graphical version of the weather-forecast one will be using high-charts. Just click the first link in the bottom of the forecast block.
@SkyFire You use HighCharts in your weather-forecasts

And in that case one is using the latest version of Highcharts JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04)

For that one you could need a licence but it is not clearly written on their site.


Ok - many thanks for the reply - how would I go back to not using Highcharts for the forecast??

I think I have fixed it - perhaps you can check - many thanks

All OK, you are using the default forecasts now

As always - many thanks for your help