Digital Atmosphère ( ?)

I received an email about this subject, I too am waiting and I think it smells bad for the future of DA.

This page has an update COD Meteorology -- Analysis Data
This also effects the raob data which why you get source not available in wmatelog
For some reason this Needing Username & Password does not have a reply option

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Tom said himself he does not use SYNOP as METAR has better coverage and RAOB makes very little difference as GFS provides much of what is needed. He is investigating though and will let us know what he finds. I have both turned off and see no issues so far.

If you run WXSimate on auto and suppress errors you will not see the issue with SYNOP or RAOB unless you run manually.


SYNOP Has always been unchecked but have now unchecked raob in both wxsimate and wxsim so no messages in the log now

And now it’s not visible in Latest Topics :confused:

Strange also initially I couldn’t reply to it when I did see it.


It’s back again :wink:

Any news to make DA work?
Thank you.

Apply for a username/password. Mine took about 12 hours to arrive. They also provide a URL format that includes the username and password which will provide the correct data.

Thank you for this information, I made a request this morning. Don’t wait any longer. Regarding access via a password, I must admit how to configure Digital Atmosphere.